CHE Conferences!
This past month has been busy for our CHE (Community Health Evangelism) program as we gathered together 2,600 CHE volunteers from 46 villages, for four CHE regional conference days.

The first conference was at CC Tonj where over 1000 CHEs and community leaders gathered in our new church. The second conference was in Malony, the third in Tonj East, and the last in Mapel. Each day was packed full of worship, teaching, prayer, games, dancing and of course feasting!

To get to the third conference in Tonj East (120km) the road was not good in one particular area. The entire community came out to fix the road to make sure our vehicle could make it, putting into practice what they have learnt through CHE about serving others and finding solutions to their problems by working together in unity.

We can see why the enemy didn’t want us to reach this area because at the Tonj East conference the head Chief decided to follow Christ, and encouraged the rest of their community to do the same!

In Mapel the army chief made a donation to the local CHE activities, and said he will be giving all his soldiers leave for church on Sunday mornings.

We heard many exciting testimonies of people’s lives being transformed through CHE in each region. We continue to receive more and more requests from community leaders for CHE than we can keep up with, and we’re excited about launching CHE in 20 more villages in 2023! This will make our CHE villages to be at 66 and our goal is to eventually reach 100.
God is in the business of transforming lives through Jesus Christ. It was a genuine act of love for Christ to give His life so we could have eternal life. As we witness hearts being transformed in South Sudan and reflecting the image of Christ we also witness generosity being shown to others.
John 3:16-17 is a well known verse but a good verse to ponder on as we go into this busy Christmas season and remember who we are celebrating and why!
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. 17For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.”
As we reach the end of 2022, we want to thank you for all the generosity shown to In Deed and Truth Ministries this past year. It has been an honor to partner with you in this Kingdom work. You have been entrusted with many resources, including where to use them to bring Glory to God. We are humbled that many of you were led to support what the Lord is doing through In Deed and Truth Ministries in South Sudan. I encourage you to prayerfully consider laying up treasure in heaven this Christmas and experiencing godly joy as you are rich toward God who gave so generously His ‘only begotten Son’ to us.
Praise Jesus!
After 8 years serving with IDAT, missionary doctors’ Jono and Destinee Macleod are returning to New Zealand. Destinee is going back to medical school, and their eldest daughter Zoe will start secondary school. Please pray for them as they make this difficult transition. Jono will continue serving IDAT as CHE Director and work with the CHE team remotely.

The photo of Achot says it all – Thank you, thank you, thank you for generously giving to save this sweet girls life!
Dear Suzy: What an imaging journey from years passed you announced leaving for a mission trip in Africa! Who could have even visioned the current results of all those saved souls.
The picture of the new church and all the happy faces. The medical work, and the accomplishments God brought all the teams thru to complete!!!!! Merry Christmas Dave Savage. Horizon 28 years.
Always encouraged with your obedience Suzy! Thank you for taking the time to show us His love and care!
Our dear Suzy,
Richard and I reflect on the times when we all would be praying for you at our Home Fellowship group for the the Lord to lead you; and boy did He! WoW! Thousands of saved souls, beautiful people, churches, pastors, schools, clinic, and your beautiful children carrying on the torch with you. We’re so happy for you, and are blessed as we see the hand of our Lord on your life and others for His kingdom. Praise Him who loves you as you continue. Merry Christmas with much love,
Richard and Gloria