April 2024 Newsletter

Easter in South Sudan!

Easter serves as a beacon of hope for the people of South Sudan and for believers all around the world. It certainly holds a special place in my heart, as I’m reminded of the significance of this Holy season, a season of hope, renewal, rebirth, and triumphant celebration. He wipes away every tear, restores shattered dreams and transforms our brokenness into something beautiful and new.

Suzy and family Easter morning

The message of the cross is a joyous celebration of life over death, redemption, and renewal. What better way to celebrate that message than by baptizing 138 new believers in South Sudan?

CC Tonj heading to the Tonj River

Against the backdrop of challenges, poverty, disease, insecurity, and many other uncertainties, Calvary Chapel Tonj marked Easter with this remarkable baptism symbolizing spiritual renewal and commitment to the Christian faith. This public act of devotion to Jesus embodied the spirit of Easter and the promise of new beginnings. As communities gathered to celebrate the resurrection, hearts were filled with joy and gratitude for the transformative power of faith.

Ps. Mabior sharing at the baptism

“But now Christ is risen from the dead, and has become the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. For since by man came death, by Man also came the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive.” 1 Corinthians 15:20-22

Suzy in USA

Recently, I returned from Africa to spend Easter with my family. While stateside I had the privilege of engaging with several congregations and was given the opportunity to share about the impactful work of In Deed and Truth Ministries serving communities in South Sudan.

Suzy and Hannah at CC Tallahassee

As our ministry has grown substantially over the last few years, this has become a necessary part of my ministry, sharing opportunities for partners to come alongside and invest in this incredible work that the Lord is doing in South Sudan. I need your help as a faithful friend to our ministry. As you reflect on your own blessings, pray about supporting the vital efforts of In Deed and Truth Ministries, extending your reach beyond borders to make a tangible difference in the lives of those in need. While you might not be able to give financially at the moment, you still have valuable resources to contribute. Pray about facilitating connections with potential ministry partners who may be able to support us financially. I will be in San Diego in July for 2 weeks and would love to be introduced to new churches and small groups. Maybe you could host a ‘get to know my missionary’ gathering in your home. If you live outside Southern CA I would be happy to meet on a conference video call or to travel to your area. I humbly ask for your help in making new connections as I believe passionately in the ministry and impact we are having in South Sudan. Here is a quick reminder of the impact we are having in the field.

CHE Impact for 2023

In addition, we have 35 church plants, 45 native pastors, and run a mission hospital that sees 60,000 patients a year.

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