Awesome CHE Report!
This year we set out with the specific objective to expand CHE into three new villages, called Malony, Ariamduar & Kunyuk. This is quite a process of meeting local government officials, chiefs and elders in each village, hosting awareness seminars to explain the CHE program and to demonstrate examples of CHE and it’s benefits to each community. After this, each village selects a CHE committee who are trained by IDAT trainers. We have already managed to complete all our objectives for CHE this year ahead of schedule! With the financial assistance from our partner African Mission Healthcare, we have expanded and mobilized our CHE team, equipping them with bicycles and a motorbike.

Malony and Ariamduar are very remote, and the new Community Health Evangelists have already started going home to home teaching preventative health and spiritual lessons to their neighbors. Through the evangelism side of the program they have already planted one new church in their region. Kunyuk is closer to town, but still has a large population living in extreme poverty. We suggested the community selected 20 volunteers to be Community Health Evangelists, but there was so much enthusiasm in the community that they ended up with 60 volunteers! They have also started teaching lessons to their neighbors.

Our target for these new villages was to vaccinate 400 mothers and children during our weekly outreaches and we have already exceeded this number with 637 vaccinations!
The IDAT Team got to minister to the church plants in the two new CHE villages of Maloney and Ariamduar by baptizing some of their members. Over sixty people came to show their support and listen to the world of God being shared by our pastoral team. Some of the elders of the churches shared their testimonies to everyone there and explained their stories of coming to Christ and the declaration of Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

Thirty people from the two villages were baptized that day after which they all celebrated with song and dance giving thanks to the Lord.
Matthew 18:19-20 “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
New Airstrip!
The Honorable Governor of Tonj, Matthew Mathiang Magordit, invited members of IDAT to join him for the opening of the construction of the new airstrip in Tonj. The town has grown around the current airstrip and children cross it to get to school as well as cattle, and general traffic, making it unsafe. The new airstrip is closer to our compound and will be longer allowing larger aircraft to land if necessary. We got to attend the ceremony and speak about the benefits of having an airstrip for bringing in medicine, teams and evacuations when necessary.

The Governor was excited to learn Hannah wants to be a missionary pilot and offered us free land next to the new airstrip in case we want to build a hangar and keep our own airplane!! All thing are possible with God!!
**Please continue to pray for our medical team and supernatural healings. Pray for the solar power installation team arriving in November and the vision team from Ridgeview Church in Rockwall, TX.