Sabet Asks For Urgent Prayer

Gunshot Victims

Written by Sabet Kuj

“Restore us, Lord God Almighty; make your face shine on us, that we may be saved.” – Psalm 80:19

After recent cattle raids the security in our area seemed like it was improving and the authorities said it was under control but today a massive cattle raid took place between Tonj and another town called Ciubet. It took place in a nearby village and as the stolen cattle were being recovered there was open gun fire. We got word in our clinic of possible victims on their way for treatment and as Saturday is an emergency only day for our clinic we had all medical staff on site and ready to receive the wounded.

Our ambulance drove out to the site to bring back wounded and that’s when we discovered it to be a lot worse than we first expected. Of the survivors, 16 people suffered gun shots and 4 of those are critical. The ambulance took them 70 miles to Wau hospital. Pray there is a surgeon on site able to help them when they get there. The remaining 12 gunshots patients are being treated on our compound in the clinic which is so overwhelming as we do the best we can to make each one comfortable and stable, though we are not really equipped for these inpatients.
Added to the stress of the situation is the reports that the Ciubet people want to retaliate and rumours of them coming into the actual town of Tonj and then of course possibly to our clinic when they hear that is where patients are being harbored.

We are asking for prayer for this situation so our medical workers can serve without putting their own lives at risk. Pray for those on the compound to be kept safe and in perfect peace. Pray for me [Sabet] to have wisdom as I make life and death decisions for all involved.

The Lord is showing us how much He loves these cattle raiders and the reason He brings them to us. The hatred and retaliation is all these guys know and we want to show them a different way. We know these wounded men are an opportunity for us to share a better way with them, one of love and forgiveness. Praying Jesus would shine through us and on them in a mighty way.

One thought on “Sabet Asks For Urgent Prayer”

  1. Praying for all of you! Read Psalm 121 this morning, and trusting in our Heavenly Father’s protection and watching over you. God Bless you as you continue to be His light there in Tonj by sharing His love in so many ways, Marqueta

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