Sunday School

Teaching Sunday is seen as a hard task especially here in Sudan because you must have a translator.   Here we have a very committed and God fearing young man called Donato Ng’oang. He translates for us every single Sunday, by doing this he is able to learn more about the Bible Stories .You must have a heart for the kids and also a burden. We usually have more boys than girls in the class.

Sunday School

Here women are denied their rights, a girls education is not as valued as the boys. Here in Southern Sudan they pay certain amount of cows for dowry. Something interesting I learned 2 days ago is that the more educated a girl is, her chances of getting a husband is lessened as well has how many cows will be paid for her dowry to her parents.  That is a good reason for them not to educate a girl. They believe the more educated they are the more they will argue with their husbands and also they make decisions instead of their husbands.

I have found it a blessing teaching these children with love and joy. It really blesses my heart to see how they need to know more about God. Every week we usually have 60-80 children. They are good listeners and learning more about God each week. Those who are able to answer questions we give them presents and this encourages them to have courage to raise their hands and answer questions about the Bible Story.

Children are so important in our Community and we should appreciate them always and not value one more than the other. Jesus shows a good example to us when people brought the little children to him, His disciples tried to hinder them but Jesus said to them;

“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” – Mark 10:14

God bless you.

(by Esther who is teaching the Sunday School children and helping in the compound)