Our Time in Tonj (Carlos and Ted)

As we wrap up our week in Tonj, we have mixed feelings—the expectation of reunion with family back home while looking back on a week filled with tremendous blessing (and some trials).  It was Carlos’s first time to Tonj to see the work that God is doing through In Deed and Truth.  It was my third time to Tonj, second with Sabet and Suzy.  There are too many things to highlight:

  • laboring with the staff on the new clinic construction and seeing real progress (that is good in Sudan),
  • seeing the pastors’ eyes and hearts come alive as some point of scripture or Biblical principle is explained,
  • hearing the explosion of joyous laughter from the leper community as we attempted to perform a bull dance, getting a blessing from the elder of that community
  • feeling the breeze through Sabet’s mother’s bedroom and seeing the smile on her face after installing a small vent in her ceiling,
  • the “slow” moments of sitting and talking with the staff from Kenya and Ugandan, the US volunteers, and the Kujs, hearing their dreams, their struggles, their resolve in Christ, and joining with them in a night of prayer and worship (with roasted marshmallows)
  • sensing the prayers and support from those back “home”, 
  • mourning for the passing of a young girl who was too far gone with malaria
  • praying for and with a young man who was shot in a dispute but assisted by the caring nurse and doctor
  • seeing the staff savor some of the food items that we were able to resupply,
  • searching and exploring the Word with Carlos and young Mark (from Calif) until the generator ran out of fuel and the lights went out…
  • worshipping the Lord with the Sudanese, Americans, Kenyans, and Ugandas on the Lord’s Day service in the compound.

We came to serve but were served.  We came to teach and were taught in ways unimaginable.  We hoped to bless but were blessed far beyond what we could ask or think.  Thank you, Lord for your love for us, the mission here, and the people of Tonj.  Thank you Lord for the privilege of coming here.  Thank you, Sabet, Suzy, staff (here and stateside) for facilitating our short mission!



One thought on “Our Time in Tonj (Carlos and Ted)”

  1. Praise the LORD for all the saints! What a joy to read of your safe arrival and welcome there. Oh the love of God is wonderful and his beloved children filled with joy and singing, I see it in my minds eye as you describe it. I know many are praying for you all, that the Lord will fill you with His Spirit and enable you to be His hands of love to so many needy and hurting there in Sudan. Thank you Kristina for writing and letting us in, to witness the reactions and impressions that you are experiencing there. May Jesus fill your heart with love that freely flows from you to all the people, the Precious ones God loves so very much.. May the joy well up in your heart and cause you to sing in your soul unceasingly. Love you dear one.

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