A Temporary Solution!

LindaOne of the most difficult things coming back was seeing our clinic struggling to operate in such tiny quarters.  We are of course raising funds for a new building and hopefully we will get the remaining funds soon so we can begin construction.  So as a tempoarary solution we have taken one of the three discipleship training buildings and converted it into a 4 room clinic, using plastic tarp for partitions.  It looks so nice and has really helped us to get through 150 patients a day with proper care and love, taking time with each one.  Our medical staff are amazing and we feel blessed to have each one of them.  As we grow we continue to pray for the right staff, good quality medicine and provision from the Lord.  The clinic outreach continues to be a tool to bring many to Jesus every day through the simple story of the wordless book.

One thought on “A Temporary Solution!”

  1. It looks awesome, I’m jealous. I notice there have been a lot of births since I left, again, I’m jealous. I miss you guys. and I wish I could be there to see all the progress.

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