In Deed And Truth!
As Christians we are to be a reflection of God on earth and we are to care for others and seek ways to serve them. The Bible reminds us it is not enough to be a believer and do nothing:
“If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacks daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, keep warm and eat well,” but you do not give them what the body needs, what good is it? So also faith, if it does not have works, is dead being by itself.” – James 2:15-17
God’s love for us should compel us to love others and make sacrifices for people just as Jesus sacrificed Himself for us.

These children had not eaten for days and were part of a family in desperate need of help. Your donations enabled us to build them a tukul, feed them and reunite the family. Both parents received Christ and the father is now working and providing for his family. There are so many families like this. Please pray. Together we changed this family for eternity!
Here in South Sudan we are surrounded by the poor and needy and caring for others is part of our daily lives. We always want to be ready to help in whatever situation the Lord brings before us. In January alone, the needs were quite overwhelming, so we added a benevolence fund to the donate page on our website. This fund will keep money designated specifically for helping those in need that the Lord brings to our door.

But sometimes we hear of problems in the community and act without being asked. Like in the village of Timtok, a devastating fire got out of control and burned several homes, cattle and food. Three families lost everything. When our team took bags of sorghum and groundnuts to meet their immediate need they were amazed. They didn’t think anyone cared. We told them God sees you and He cares so much about you because He created you and loves you. It’s so awesome to be able to share God’s love and provision and to tell them that this is one of the ways Jesus shows His love through the actions of His children here in Tonj and around the world. Pray for these families as they rebuild their lives. Together we are making a difference!

There is no greater joy than bringing a blessing to those most in need. Recently we did an outreach to the lepers colony by cooking and feeding them a special meal. It’s was only possible because of the kindness and compassion of our partners to give generously to our benevolence fund. Together we showed love!
Church Building Fundraiser!
Here’s an update on the church building fundraiser. We have a $20,000 match, which means every dollar you give will be worth $2!! You can go to our website to follow the progress and/or give through a designation online or memo your check “church building”. Together we did it!!