Community of Faith in CHE!
At In Deed and Truth Ministries (IDAT), our volunteers, missionaries and African leaders, serve and live together within our community of Tonj. As well as living ‘within’ the community we strive to follow the call of Jesus to live IN community as the Body of Christ, not the culture we come from, but laying that aside and coming together and living out the Kingdom culture of forgiveness, acceptance, serving, giving, loving, praying and worship. We are different ages, cultures and personalities. We have very different testimonies of our walks with Christ, but we all feel called to serve the most vulnerable here in Tonj and hope God will use us to bring His redeeming love and grace to our brothers and sisters of South Sudan.
CHE is a community health evangelism program that values community and thrives within community. Pastor Joseph Yuot is leading the CHE program in one of our CHE villages called Guaria. As a result of a healthy, thriving CHE program, several CHE’s are leading group bible studies in Guaria, using the solar powered audio bibles. It is very exciting to hear that people are listening to the Word of God and coming to Christ. These new believers are eager to learn and follow Jesus and really want to be baptized. Not only is God transforming this community, but they have made a community decision to burn all idols and charms given by the witchdoctors!
This is now a community of faith and an answer to prayer that CHE would truly transform entire villages.
“So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.” – Romans 10:17

To supply one audio bible into the villages cost $35. We would love to distribute 100 audio bibles to our CHE communities. If you feel led to buy an audio bible for our CHE program please designate a donation through our website or send a check marked “Audio Bibles”.
Pastor Sponsorship!
IDAT has five church plants and many national pastors helping to establish and grow biblically sound churches in Tonj and the surrounding villages.
Our pastors are nationals, led and discipled by Sabet and are godly, faithful servants. They are dedicated to the call on their lives and with our assistance of sponsorship, just $50 a month, we can really help them provide for their family while doing the work of the Lord.
Pastor Joseph is one of 13 of our pastors that graduated from IDAT’s discipleship training school in 2012. He is an amazing teacher and evangelist whose enthusiasm for sharing the gospel is quite contagious. He has served with IDAT since 2009 and is involved in church planting, discipleship, Jesus film outreaches, chaplaincy and CHE.

In caring for the community of Guaria Ps. Joseph genuinely loves his people and tackles the presence of witchcraft directly. Through his unwavering commitment to Jesus Christ, we are seeing true transformation of this village. His leadership of CHE is a testimony of his faith in Christ. It is our desire to bless and support him along with our other pastors. We are currently making profiles, so please contact to sign up or to get specific information and answers to any questions.