Happy New Year!
As we celebrate the New Year, we thank God for YOU our partners and supporters. It’s because of you we are now going into our 19th year of serving in South Sudan!! We are so grateful for the way you have prayed and supported us in advancing the work of In Deed and Truth Ministries in Tonj. Here are some of the ways your partnership has impacted the Kingdom in 2017:
1. Through the opening of our new medical clinic. We can now focus on praying, treating and making the gospel of Jesus known to every patient the Lord brings to us.

2. Thanks to the amazing generosity of our partners we completed the fundraising for the new ward and will start to build it this year. We are using a building as a temporary ward which is limited to 8 beds and always crowded.

3. One of the joys of 2017 has been having our first IDAT medical student Gabriel return from training in Kenya, and start working in our clinic as a Clinical Officer. In addition to him we expanded our medical team with two medical doctors, two midwives, and a nurse. For the first time ALL our medical staff are South Sudanese and we are providing vitally needed services and employment to this community.

4. In Deed and Truth celebrated four more students graduating medical school. We currently have seven more students in medical school and we are sending two more in 2018. We continue to seek individuals to bless with this amazing opportunity for scholarship.

5. We provided medical care not only to over 40.000 patients in our clinic but also to thousands through our medical outreaches. We hope to expand this ministry and be a blessing to those who are most in need.

“LORD, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things, things planned long ago.” – Isaiah 25:1
6. Once a year we buy our bulk medical supplies in Kenya and truck them to Tonj. With lack of medical supplies from the Ministry of Health, this allows our clinic to remain open year-round.

7. The Lord used our partners to provide a safe and reliable vehicle for our ministry. We can now go into the remote villages safely without concerns of breaking down or getting stuck.

8. We successfully equipped three villages with thriving CHE programs. Through training, implementing and praying, we have seen amazing transformation in the leaders and villages. The church plants are strong, and the people are hungry for the Word. We will expand our Community Health Evangelism program in 2018.

9. Our church has grown and in one year the congregation has tripled. We received land from the government and thanks to a generous donor we have a matching fund set up to build a church. We are still in need of over $5,000 and you can follow the progress of this fundraiser though our website.

10. The Jesus film was shown over 30 times by our pastors in remote villages and the gospel was shared with every patient. More than 20,000 people made a commitment to Jesus Christ. Email us if you are interested in sponsoring a native pastor. These guys are amazing ambassadors for the Kingdom.

11. Several special circumstances led us to support those most vulnerable and in greatest need from our benevolence fund. The lepers colony, the village of Bobi after being attacked and many displaced people in need of food. This fund enables us to help immediately when there’s a crisis.

12. We continue to support the 14 children cared for by our beloved Mama Sabet before she died. This year we built three new tukuls and provided new beds and mattresses for them in addition to food and school fees. They were so blessed with their individual Christmas boxes! A massive thank you to the sponsors. We hope to provide running water into the home this year.

13. Over the course of the year we welcomed volunteers to serve alongside us. Through their faith and skills they beautifully reflected the heart of Jesus Christ and brought hope to this nation. The calling to partner with us through volunteering is not an easy one. If you feel God is calling you in this way please pray about it and email us for more details.

Thank You!
It’s amazing to look back over the last year at God’s
provision and all He did for us. It’s exciting to look forward at all He has for us in 2018. Thank you for choosing to be our partner. We couldn’t do it without you. Together we made a difference! A few prayer points for the upcoming year:
1. Pray provision for all the ministry commitments we have here especially now we are in a bigger medical facility.
2. Pray for the right project manager to oversee the new ward construction.
3. Pray for our students and that the new ones will be accepted into school in Kenya.
4. Pray for the CHE villages and the new villages we want to add.
5. Pray for our pastors that we can find sponsors and they will be effective in their ministry.
6. Pray for wisdom for us as we lead and make decisions. The needs around us are overwhelming.
7. Pray for Mama’s kids to grow in the knowledge and love of Jesus Christ.
8. Pray for those God is calling to answer the call and come and invest their lives in these people.
So good to read about all God is continuing to do through the Kuj’s. May God continue to bless and guide you