Prayer Update on Suzy

Dear Family and friends,

Prayer Update

Thanks so much for praying, we have really felt your prayers these last 24 hours.  Suzy went to bed early and slept really well.  She woke up and took her second dose of medication before we headed to the airport.  She is still aching and having fever but the Lord gave her strength and we traveled as planned.  By the time you receive this we will be in the UK and preparing for visiting family, friends and our church family there. 

I will be in USA from October 1st- November 6th, and I’m available for speaking at churches and small groups.  If you are in the San Diego/Orange County area I would love to see you while I am there.

Suzy will return to Kenya in 2 weeks and collect our daughter Agum before returning  to Sudan.

Please keep Agum in your prayers and our staff and compound in Sudan.

Thanking Jesus for you,

Sabet Kuj