Blog by Annabelle Tague

Wow, one more amazing day almost done! It’s 9:20 pm here in Tonj. Just trying to recap this day is so hard, there is so much to think about its almost overwhelming.

Thaddeus and I worked in children’s church… all the kids are so beautiful! Before we started, the kids sang a Dinka song for us, clapping and singing with all their hearts. We taught on the story of the paralyzed man who was healed by Jesus.  The kids loved watching us act it out at try to pretend like we were paralyzed. Their smiles were beautiful! After the teaching we played Duck Duck Goose and Simon Says. Pastor Matt taught in the church from the book of Isaiah.

In the afternoon, we drove to the “Picnic Tree,” which is about 5-10 minutes away from the compound. It’s so peaceful there, you can see cows grazing in the distance, and tall grass all around. Dennis and Sebet bought us sodas from the town, a nice treat over here in Sudan. It was a blessing to relax and fellowship as a team. We were able to shoot some great photos… I can’t wait to show them to everyone when we get back!

When we got back we visited Sebet’s mother and some of her grandchildren, who had come to the children’s church. They were all laughing and playing together. It was so adorable. I really have never seen such beautiful children before.

When we came back to the compound, we sat down for dinner. Unfortunately, two of our team members aren’t feeling their best so they weren’t able to come with us to the pic-nic or to Sebet’s mom’s house. Hopefully with your prayer and God’s hand, they will be feeling better soon.

Thank you for your love and prayers for our team! It’s a huge blessing to have all of you supporting us.

