Aker’s Story by Stacie Larsen

Today Aker came to church with her two children, Ayen and Malok. She came to the clinic last week and talked with George, our lab technologist. When he noticed her children were wearing charms from a witch doctor, he discussed with her the dangers of witch craft and the hope we have in God and got her permission to cut the charms off. Then he advised her to come to church for prayer and to learn more about Jesus. He was excited when he saw that she had come and asked Amy and I to meet with her. (Translation assistance provided by Albino.) We told her God is far more powerful than the witch doctors. The witch doctors harm people, but God wants to give her hope and see her prosper. We told her about Jesus and were thrilled when she asked Him to be her Lord and Savior. Ayen, another lady who came to know Jesus after a similar conversation with George, was also at church. It turns out she and Aker are neighbors and know each other well. We suggested they meet with each other for prayer and help each other stay strong when people advise them to return to the witch doctors. Then we encouraged them to keep coming to church and get baptized.

Praise the Lord for the work being done in the clinic. Suzy always says we are not here for a band aid. We are here to show the people the love of God and the hope they have in Jesus Christ.

Back to Malony by Stacie Larsen

Today we headed back to Malony to do our weekly satellite clinic. It had been two months since we have been able to go so I didn’t know what to expect. The whole place is brown and it’s a bit like a ghost town. During the rainy season, it serves as a cattle camp. When the dry season is here, the cows and their owners go to greener pastures. Because there is no way to tell the people we are coming, we just showed up. Normally we see between 70 and 100 patients, however, today we only saw 12. I don’t know if it’s because the cattle camps are gone or because people didn’t know we were coming. Since it was so slow, we had a lot of down time. I had a chance to discuss the idea of one wife with a group of guys. They thought the idea was ridiculous. One man offered his hand in marriage and I politely refused. Later I had the chance to share the gospel. A group of guys hang out under a big tree where we do the clinic so I thought, I might as well use the opportunity to encourage them. Slowly I have been reading through the Old Testament. Now I am in Judges and recently read about Gideon. It’s a really good story and one I thought they might like so I told them about it. I find that telling stories is a good way to reach the people here. Since it seems like their lives are a bit like it was back then, they can relate. I told them about Gideon and how he started with 32,000 people to fight the Mideonites, but God decreased the number to 300 so Israelites couldn’t claim credit for the win. In our weakness, He is strong. I told them through God we can overcome any obstacle. Although we had low numbers, it ended up being a great day. I’m sure next we’ll have more people next week once the word spreads we are back and I hope I’ll be able to share another story from the Bible.

Bullet Explosion by Stephanie Williams

Late one afternoon, as the clinic was closing down for the day, a boy walked up with his hand wrapped in a bloody towel. He and his parents had traveled from a far village by car. Normally, it would have taken a day to walk the distance, but this time, they drove. They explained his hand was all cut up after a ‘bullet explosion’. (Huh?)

Unwrapping his hand, we all cringed to see the mutilated fingers hanging limp and dead. The story fell together piece by piece as we prepared to suture. As a goat herder, he stumbled upon a bullet while wandering the fields and picked it up. Curious and as any nine year old boy would be, he decided to see what would happen if he beat it with a stick. I am not sure how long he hit it, but eventually it exploded, taking several fingers with it. There was even charred residue glued to his skin. It was bad. Fortunately, by the time he reached us most of the bleeding had stopped.

Once his hand was properly numb, Dennis (our clinical officer) removed a finger which barely hung by sinew and muscle. He left the main bone sticking out, saying it would die and eventually fall off. The other fingers were then stitched and wrapped tightly in gauze.

As he sutured, the boy’s mother, kept peeking at the carnage and mourning her son’s pain. She was a wreck. In fact, the boy kept comforting her: “Don’t worry mom, it doesn’t hurt at all. I promise.” It was really quite sweet.

I asked him if he was ever going to play with bullets again, and he shook his head emphatically. This lesson was costly but effective. I told him to tell his friends to stay away from bullets too, and reminded him that he was fortunate he only lost a few fingers. The realization of this truth stopped us all up short, and together we thanked God it was not worse.

Today, he came in for wound dressings. I’m happy to report that it is healing nicely. Pray for a full recovery. Perhaps one day, he’ll warn his son the dangers of playing with bullets… I hope so.

Ayen’s Story by Sabet

Ayen is a mother of three children. She came to the clinic with her one year old son Akeej. Akeej is sick and her other children have gotten sick many times before. Ayen loves her kids and she wants them to be healthy. For that reason she has been seeking a way to improve their health and ensure a happy life for her kids and also for her as a mother. Unfortunately, one of the ways many Sudanese people seek treatment is through witchcraft. They visit the witch doctor who often gives them a charm to wear. They are told that it will heal them and if they remove it, they will be cursed.

George our lab technologist has been praying with the mothers that come to the clinic. If he sees them chewing tobacco, he educates them in the harmful effects of it and encourages them to give it up. Now in the lab, he has collected a giant pile of tobacco containers from many people who have vowed to stop using it. George also looks out for those who are wearing charms and shares the love of Jesus with those who believe in the power of witch craft.

Akeej had a charm around his neck and Ayen had one around her neck too. As George was getting the blood sample to check for malaria, he noticed the charms around their necks and he immediately starting sharing about God and His power. At that point George called for me because his Dinka is yet to be perfected. When I got there, I found Ayen already understood what was required of her to put her faith in God and the love of Jesus. She told me she desired her kids to be healthy and that’s why she was looking for a way for that to happen. Her kids have been regularly sick for a long time now and she is tired of living with the fear that she will loose one of them or maybe all of them. She wanted something she could rely on that would give her peace. I shared with her how God created us, loves us and wants the best for us. That’s why He sent us His son Jesus Christ. He wants us to have His son in our heart. George and I told her the sickness of the children many times could be just simply from the unclean water they drink, because she is not using a mosquito net or perhaps the food is not good. However it could also be from the power of the enemy at work since they are wearing charms. She accepted to pray and remove the charm from her neck and her little one’s neck too. Right then, she prayed to accept the Lord and after that she asked if she could bring her other children the next day for prayer and to remove their charms. This is a huge step of faith because the witch doctors tell their clients that if the charms are removed, they will be cursed.

Ayen arrived this morning with her two other children (a seven year old son, Majok, and a five year old daughter, Bagich) shortly after we had prayed for her and her family during our staff devotion. We were happy to see her and hear what she had to say about her new commitment to the Lord. She said is not going trust witchcraft and it’s power anymore even when her kids are sick. Instead she she is going to trust in the Lord. So we encouraged her, prayed for her family and we cut the charms from the little ones necks and committed her and her family to the Lord. She invited us to pray in her house so it will be sanctified and bless her home with the new faith she has.

George has prayed with many patients and has encouraged them to bring others to be prayed for who want to stop chewing tobacco and give up their tobacco pots and also because they want their charms to be removed. Many people won’t ever remove the charms themselves due to fear so we don’t mind taking it off for them. They even fear for us since they believe the curse falls on whoever removes the charm. However, we can show by example that we are not afraid because we know greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world. Let the name of the Lord be known among the Dinka, Bongo and Jurchol tribes here in Tonj so they would trust Him, proclaim His name and call upon Him for salvation! For “whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved.” Rom 10:13

IDAT 1st Annual Women’s Retreat

We went to our women’s retreat last week and it was so wonderful. We left Monday morning and headed to Nakuru. It’s located about three hours from Nairobi. We stayed on a dairy farm called Kembu Farm. The Nightingale Family own the dairy farm and rent cottages on their property. Suzy could not have picked a more perfect place. It is beautiful. We split up into two cottages that both were amazing. After being in Sudan, we enjoy simple luxuries like flushing toilets, hot showers and sinks.

I loved everything about this place. The family that owns the place were so nice. We brought food and made most of our meals except for our last night when we ate dinner with the family, Andrew, Zoe and their son. They were very kind. We had lots of different types of pizzas (yellow pepper and salami was my favorite), salad and cake for dessert. They have quite a few dogs that added to the charm of the place. My favorites were Tink and Buster. They would hang out at the cottages with us and even spent the night sometimes. Buster would accompany us down to the dairy. Tink wasn’t allowed so when we got to the gate, we had to say “Go home Tink.” Tink was very obedient and would sadly lower his head and go home. I fell in love with Buster.

Buster is owned by Andrew’s mom who runs the Kenana Knitting Project. They are famous for dying wool (yarn) using flowers, vegetables and other plants. Their products are sold world wide. They have 240 ladies from the community work for them. In addition to selling items, they also provide many community services such as HIV testing/treatment, literacy programs and other health programs. We got a tour of their facilities and enjoyed shopping in the gift shop.

On Wednesday we went on a safari at Nakuru Lake Park. It was really fun. They are known for their flamingo population. We also saw giraffes, rhinos, baboons, gazelles, zebras, monkeys and one lion’s back. I once again fired up my Lion King soundtrack on my ipod and listened to it as we drove around.

The theme of our retreat was forming Godly relationships. It was based on the book “The DNA of Relationships.” We had wonderful sessions of teaching from Dena and good discussion time. God was very present during our time together and much was done to solidify our relationships. I learned a lot about good ways to communicate and how to honor others. The topic was perfect and God really blessed us with Dena.

This retreat was just what I needed after coming out of Sudan worn out. I am so thankful for the beautiful place and relaxation we experienced. Thank you God for knowing what we needed and providing it abundantly.

News From The Field