We are thankful for the few opportunities we get to take a break and refresh and reflect on what the Lord is doing. This Easter we visited Rumbek, 100 miles away and spent the weekend relaxing and fellow-shipping with friends. It was a wonderful celebration of our Lord’s resurrection. Our children got to take part in an egg hunt, which is not easy to find in the bush of Sudan!! I think you’ll agree, Jed looks very happy with his basket full of blessings! The best part was getting to cool down in air-conditioned rooms and jumping in the swimming pool. The rains are late this year and the heat is simply unbearable. But we are now heading into the rainy season and the storms are rolling in!!
Meet Sara and Billy
The Lord has made so many things for our enjoyment and pleasure. In Sudan it is sometimes hard to find the beauty, especially in the dry and dusty season. But this weekend, while we were in Rumbek, we were reminded of the Lord’s amazing creation. This is my new friend I made in Rumbek. She’s a 3 month old chimpanzee called Sara that was rescued and being returned to a sanctuary in Uganda. She was so cute in her nappy and when we got ready to leave she ran after me and clung to my leg….so cute!! And Billy is a mischievous deer that sneaks up behind you and try to butt you in the bottom when you’re not looking! Cheeky fella!!
Joseph and Mary
Last week, I (Suzy) was called to the clinic to pray for Mary after she swallowed a bottle of hair dye in an attempt to end her life. Mary’s husband Joseph was with her and seemed very concerned. Mary was quiet and didn’t want to talk so I asked Joseph if I could talk to her alone. As soon as he left she started to share her heart. It is a common problem for young girls and was of no great surprise to me. Mary is her husband’s second wife and is treated terribly by the first wife. Mary has never complained to Joseph fearful he would beat his other wife and she would become even worse. Mary said she couldn’t bear it any longer and wanted all the trouble to end. I told her about my friend called Jesus, and how much he cares and loves me but more importantly He is my Savior. After much discussion, weeping and prayer, Mary asked Jesus to be her Savior too. I invited Mary and her husband to come to our church to worship with us and to meet Sabet. On Sunday they came together and Sabet got to share with Joseph. He asked him to come back on Tuesday for more counseling. Today Sabet met with him and they prayed together. Please contnue to pray for this precious couple.
Moving the Church!
“They Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” Psalm 119:105
Today at church it was wonderful to see so many new people. In fact there wasn’t an empty seat in the church and many were sitting outside the small thatched structure we use to gather every week. Please pray as we seek the Lord’s will in moving our church out of the compound and into the community. Now is the time!
This is Yar!
“So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.” Hebrews 13:6
Yar is a young girl of 10 years that came to our clinic back in November. She had been hit by a bicycle and her arm was broken. When it started to swell some relatives wanted to bring her to our medical clinic but others refused. After some time the area became so painful they decised to cut open the wounded area and much pus came out. She was then taken to a clinic, less equipped than ours and over 100 miles away. While she was there the bone in her shoulder jutted through the open wound. She was now left with a gapping hole and an exposed bone. Eventually her father brought her to us. How to help this child seemed very unlikely on our premises and we began to look for ways to take her outside of Sudan for possible surgery. During this time of praying and finding a suitabe place, Yar continued to come to our clinic for dressing of the open wound. During one of the dressing changes, Dr. Tom was removing the old dressing which had become a bit stubborn and stuck to the exposed bone. When he pulled off the dressing the bone cleanly popped out of Yar’s arm. It was completely removed, just like that. Yar’s wound today has completely healed and both our doctor’s feel any further treatment for her is not necessary. She has almost full movement of her arm and is in no pain at all. As we had money for her surgery gifted by individuals, we have decided to pay for her school tuition, books and uniform instead. She often comes and visits us on the compound and our kids love having friends over to play and especially when they have been our patients. This is Yar having lunch with our family and pictured with Hannah.