Matoch’s Surgery by Sabet Kuj

Bless the Lord, O my soul; And all that is within me, bless His holy name!  Bless the Lord, O my soul, And forget not all His benefits: Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases, Who redeems our life from destruction, Who crowns you with loving kindness and tender mercies, Who satisfies your mouth with good things, So that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.  Psalm 103:1-5

For those following the story of Matoch and praying for him, I would like to share with you that he has been to surgery this morning and it was a successful operation, taking place Kijabe Missions Hospital.

Matoch is a very brave boy and I admire that in him.  Yesterday, as the lab technician took some blood from his arm in preparation for surgery I notice how he didn’t even flinch or cry!  Sometimes I feel that he is much older than his 8 years.  He has been through so much and is so brave!

We had a nice morning on Sunday by going to church as a family with Matoch, attending the early service so we have  enough time to get to Kijabe later in the day, about a 90 minute drive from Nairobi.  After church Suzy prepared for us a delicious lunch.  Matoch is a good kid, very respectful and polite.  Even without any English he still managed to say “thanks Mum”, copying our kids and smiling.   It was a special time for Matoch with our family.

Jed and Suzy praying for Matoch

Suzy and I are so blessed to hear our children pray for Matoch before I drove him to the hospital.  The following day Jedidiah really touch my heart when he prayed out of blue for Matoch asking God to heal him and let him have a successful surgery.

I’m so glad Matoch is in the final phase of recovery from numerous surgeries and on his way to complete healing physically, mentally and spiritually.  Only our Lord Jesus can take away the unseen scars left on this child’s life.  His night terrors have already stopped and we are glad he was not in Tonj during the recent cattle raids that might have stirred some unplesant memories and caused more trauma.

Thank you for praying with us for Matoch and helping him to see the love of God. I believe with all my heart he will be an amazing witness of God’s love to the Dinka people in Tonj.

Security Situation in Sudan

Pray for the Khartoum government to change heart and it’s aggression against the people of the South.
The fuel and food situation still continues…read this article below:

Government of Khartoum of having deliberately blocked commercial routes as part of the political pressure in the bargaining on post referendum arrangements and issues including borders.
“The government in Khartoum has directed its security apparatus and other armed groups to intensify monitoring of commercial activities along the border areas. This has resulted into stoppage of vehicles that are carrying goods including food items to the south. Food items are now very expensive and there is also a problem of fuel. They do not allow fuel to enter the south”, said Dau.
“There is a big problem now with fuel in South Sdan even Juba the capital. Some people have already grounded their vehicles because they cannot afford buy it. Fuel prices have gone beyond double charges. One litre of fuel which used to be two pounds is now sold out at 15 pounds and it is not available in most stations. All small fuel stations in Juba have been closed. Fuel has remained only in strategic places where its sale is also controlled by the government. There is only one petrol station that has fuel in Juba where thousands of vehicles, motorbike and individual are making lines to buy the fuel”, explained Lual.

Pray for the Khartoum government to change heart and it’s aggression against the people of the South.
The fuel and food situation still continues…read this article below:

Government of Khartoum of having deliberately blocked commercial routes as part of the political pressure in the bargaining on post referendum arrangements and issues including borders.
“The government in Khartoum has directed its security apparatus and other armed groups to intensify monitoring of commercial activities along the border areas. This has resulted into stoppage of vehicles that are carrying goods including food items to the south. Food items are now very expensive and there is also a problem of fuel. They do not allow fuel to enter the south”, said Dau.
“There is a big problem now with fuel in South Sdan even Juba the capital. Some people have already grounded their vehicles because they cannot afford buy it. Fuel prices have gone beyond double charges. One litre of fuel which used to be two pounds is now sold out at 15 pounds and it is not available in most stations. All small fuel stations in Juba have been closed. Fuel has remained only in strategic places where its sale is also controlled by the government. There is only one petrol station that has fuel in Juba where thousands of vehicles, motorbike and individual are making lines to buy the fuel”, explained Lual.

Miracle at Tenwek

“Let us not grow weary in doing good for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.” Galatians 6:9

Our first week in Nairobi our family got to visit Tenwek Mission Hospital, about 3 1/2 hour drive from Nairobi.  It is run by World Gospel Mission and offers care to thousands of Kipsigis people from more than 50 years.  Suzy read a book called “Miracle at Tenwek” which is the life story of the first misssionary doctor called Ernie Steury and his wife Sue and how they began their mission work in this simple rural hospital that is now a thriving medical facility with many doctors!  The details of those early years and the challenges they faced in such a remote location are a great inspiration to us as we also face similar issues today in our rural clinic in Sudan.  Visiting Tenwek after reading the book just made everything more real and more amazing at how God has faithfully carried this mission for so many years.

We got to share our work and needs with the Community Health Program and Sabet shared at the doctors devotion.  It was emotional to see so many white coats in one room knowing Dr. Steury was the only doctor for so many years and prayed for just that. 

Sabet and Suzy sharing with community health workers


Kuj Family at Tenwek Community Health Program

 Suzy was able to get her eyes examined by the Tenwek Hospital Eye Team.  Please pray for them as they plan a trip to Tonj in September to perform cataract surgeries.  This will be the first time we have hosted a medical team of this caliber.

Suzy with Tenwek missionary eye surgeon Dr. Cropsey
Sabet sharing devotions with the Tenwek doctors


Our Time in Nairobi!

We are currently in Kenya with Matoch, the boy that was shot in the face last year.  Here are a few praise and prayer requests for our time in Kenya and what we would like to accomplish:

  1. Pray for Matoch to get the corrective surgery he needs to repair the scar tissue that has closed over his nose.
  2. Praise the Lord for the exemption on the truck of food and medical supplies.
  3. Praise the Lord for the exemption on our ambulance. 
  4. Pray for a smooth process in ordering and shipping the ambulance from Gibraltar.
  5. Pray for favor from the US Embassy and British Consulate as we apply for Agum’s visas for our home assignment scheduled for September.
  6. Praise the Lord for Tenwek Mission Hospital in Kenya providing the cover of our medical staff to take rest.
  7. Pray for the Tenwek Eye Clinic team that will come to Tonj on September 3rd-9th to do cataract surgeries.
  8. Pray for Sarah as she serves in Sudan for 3 months as a nurse in our clinic.
  9. Pray for peace in the border towns, especially Abyei and the lack of food and fuel supplies.
  10. Pray for the safety of our staff, compound and the surrounding community from cattle raids.

Sunday in Sudan!

Here is a typical Sunday for us in Sudan.  We love Sunday’s but they can be quite busy.  Suzy likes to give the compound cook the morning to sleep in and makes breakfast for everyone, usually pancakes from scratch!  The kids help wash, rinse and dry the dishes ready for breakfast and tea after church.  Dr. Tom also likes to help out after lunch washing the dishes!  Quite a task with a minimum of 16 staff/missionaries living on the compound and sometimes as many as 24-26 when a team visits!

Church starts at 10:30 am and is held on our compound.  Sabet is worship leader and pastor, doing a fabulous job of leading the church through God’s Word and in worship. 

The whole team living on the compound mucks in together and helps with church and sound set-up, worship, Sunday school, refreshments, greeting and announcements.  The Sunday school is a mix of different age groups and ranges from age 1 all the way to 14-15 year olds.  The numbers can also be quite overwhelming so we try and screen the kids, pulling ages 3-11 for Sunday school and asking mums to keep infants in church with them.  The children older than 11 we encourage to sit in church and listen to the message.  This still results in as many as 20-40 children every week with only one teacher and one translator.  With the various ages together in one class we have a great need for more helpers! 

Here are some prayer needs for help in the church:

  • Assistant/Youth pastor
  • Sunday school teachers
  • Worship leader
  • Favor from the local authorities to move the church outside the compound and use a nearby school building

We would love the above positions to be filled by missionaries desiring to serve the Lord on a long-term basis.  They would need to apply through our website and go through the missions preparation, cross-cultural training, support raising and team building process before coming, which can take more than a year.

After church we either drive out to our ‘picnic tree’ and enjoy a family picnic with visitors or staff.  We picked a tree in the middle of the swamp area as it is not easy to get to and therefore not many people to watch us eat!  So it also is quite peaceful and relaxing and a good place to take a little nap.  Our kids love this Sunday tradition, it is the highlight of their week.

After our picnic we like to visit members from our church in their homes and just encourage them.  They feel very honored and special to have us visit and pray for them.  We have seen the Lord answer many prayers of blessing over these precious people when we have gone to their homes on visitations.  And it is a tremendous witness to the neighbors of God’s love and care for His church.

Today, Mary and her husband Joseph invited our family and visiting team for a traditional Sudanese meal of chicken, kudra and kisera.  Jobs are scarce in Tonj so providing for the family is a challenge and inviting guests for supper is a real sacrifice that we felt so blessed to be asked and participate in.  You can read Mary’s testimony on a previous blog and I ask you to join us in our prayer over her home that the Lord would open her womb and bless them with many children.  Here are a few photo’s of the surrounding areas where Joseph and Mary live.

Hannah and Jed



Sunday evenings Sabet and I like to take time to pray for the week ahead with our children, for school, for opportunities and for guidance and protection.  In Sudan it is so evident that prayer needs to be at the forefront of everything we do and plan to do.  The battle is real and the enemy prowls around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.  We realize that our prayers are a key shield and weapon against the enemy and appreciate your prayers for us as we go into battle daily for the souls in Sudan.

Thanks for your prayers – Suzy Kuj

Serving the Lord in Sudan

News From The Field