What Happened to the Malaria?

First I want to say that God is so faithful, He pressed it upon my heart to travel with malaria tests and treatment from Sudan, so I was well prepared when the malaria hit.  Thank you to all that prayed for me.  I had a confirmed positive malaria test the night before I was supposed to fly from Kenya to UK.  Many of you prayed and there was a significant improvement by the morning so I traveled as planned.  Malaria is a bit tricky as the symptoms are up and down, one minute you feel OK and then you can’t function again.  I believe the combination of prayer and early treatment prevented the malaria from taking over my body.  On the flight I had a relapse, where Sabet had to sit Jed on his lap for most of the flight so I could lay across 2 seats.  What a great hubby I have!  On arrival at Heathrow, we were allowed to clear together as a family through the UK citizen channel, which meant Sabet did not have to stand for hours in an immigration line and I got to sit down again quickly.  A nice man came up to me at the baggage claim and said how glad he was to see me walking as he was so concerned about me on the flight.  I guess I looked a lot sicker than I realized even though I thought I was containing it very well.  Probably having two sweaters on and three airline blankets over me, shivering uncontrollably as I sweat profusely was an indication things were not good!

Thank you for praying, the malaria continued to come and go for a few days after arrival, mainly late afternoons and evenings until the following Monday morning (yesterday) and now I feel fine.

Prayer Update on Suzy

Dear Family and friends,

Prayer Update

Thanks so much for praying, we have really felt your prayers these last 24 hours.  Suzy went to bed early and slept really well.  She woke up and took her second dose of medication before we headed to the airport.  She is still aching and having fever but the Lord gave her strength and we traveled as planned.  By the time you receive this we will be in the UK and preparing for visiting family, friends and our church family there. 

I will be in USA from October 1st- November 6th, and I’m available for speaking at churches and small groups.  If you are in the San Diego/Orange County area I would love to see you while I am there.

Suzy will return to Kenya in 2 weeks and collect our daughter Agum before returning  to Sudan.

Please keep Agum in your prayers and our staff and compound in Sudan.

Thanking Jesus for you,

Sabet Kuj

Urgent Prayer for Suzy

Dear Family and friends,

Prayer Request

Please pray for my wife Suzy as we are preparing to fly to the UK in less than 12 hours and she just tested positive for malaria. Malaria often comes when the body is compromised and tired and Suzy has done so much in the past few weeks with the ambulance and cataract clinic team. We arrived in Nairobi on Monday night and then spent the last 2 days in Nairobi moving our belongings from the mission house we use when in Kenya to storage at a friends house. Suzy’s been packing the house, packing for Agum (who is staying with friends in Nairobi) and packing the family to go to UK where we plan to visit her family and church family after 6 years of absence. Today she felt tired and said her body ached and we thought it was due to the stress of moving and working around the clock. But as the day went on she said she felt she was having malaria. As the malaria has been so high in Tonj this season we carried tests and treatment for the family in case we get sick in UK. So I tested her tonight and yes it is positive. She will take her first dose of 6 treatments tonight and the second in the morning. We have been waiting for this trip for a long time so please pray she is well enough to travel.

We are blessed by your prayers,

Sabet Kuj

Bandages Come Off!

Very exciting!!  Yes the morning after the cataract surgery we got to be a part of the patients having their bandages removed and eyes retested.  What an amzing sense of joy and thanksgiving as these people regained their sight.  Some jumped up running and throwing down their trusty cane.  Hallelujah – we give you Jesus all honor and praise.

Patients wait for the bandages to be removed


Richard removing the bandages

A man rejoices that he can see again

News From The Field