San Diego Prayer Walk

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

I was so blessed by those who came to the prayer walk and took of their time to pray and walk together in our annual prayer walk this year. in Shelter Island, San Diego. The blessings of the brothers and sister to come before our mighty God, lifting In Deed and Truth Ministries and the new Republic of South Sudan in prayers and praising God for the answered prayers, what a joy that is.  We Had a great time worshiping the Lord together and in intercessory prayer in groups while walking.  Great time of fellowship afterward, what a amazing time to see people from as far as Indio to Orange county and here in San Diego area coming together for the Lord in this ministry which we are all co workers and partners.

The encouragement for me is God’s faithfulness through the saints and the believers and churches here in the US, a reminder we are all together proclaiming the gospel whether by prayers or sending or being in the field.

Many blessings and thanks to all of you who prayed for this,

Sabet Kuj

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