Happy New Year!
As we celebrate the New Year, we thank God for YOU our partners and supporters. In February it will be 20 years since Suzy was first called to South Sudan!! We are so grateful for the way you have prayed and supported us in advancing the work of In Deed and Truth Ministries in Tonj. Here are some of the ways your partnership has impacted the Kingdom in 2018:
The new medical ward was completed in record time and opened by the Ministry of Health. Before we were cramming beds together in a small room and laying mattresses on the verandas. The new ward is spacious, organized and clean. We can now focus on the calling and minister to the patients more effectively.

Thanks to the amazing generosity of our partners we completed the fundraising for the new church and will start to build it this year!

In 2018 we baptized over 100 new believers.

Our team is also growing. We have expanded our pastoral team and now have 14 pastors serving under In Deed and Truth. They pastor our church plants, serve as assistant pastors to Sabet, work as chaplains in the clinic and medical outreaches, serve in CHE, teach Simply the Story and show the Jesus film in the villages. We are looking to provide sponsorships for them costing just $50 a month. Go to our website to sign up and see their profiles.

“LORD, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things, things planned long ago.” Isaiah 25:1
Your contributions also allowed us to treat 52,561 children and pregnant mother’s. Deliver 249 babies in a safe environment.

Help with special needs through our benevolence fund. Purchase 20 tons of medical supplies. Send more students to medical school. Distribute solar powered audio bibles. Reach thousands of remote homes with the gospel through CHE and medical outreaches.

Train more Community Health Workers. Engage thousands of youth with our soccer tournament. Continue with primary care of 15 sponsor children. Restore sight to 300 cataract patients.
2018 was so amazing and we look forward to all He has for us in 2019. Thank you for praying and choosing to be our partner.