All posts by Suzy Kuj

A Blessing from the Lord

“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all [men], especially unto them who are of the household of faith.” – Galatians 6:7-10

We first met Jeff and Christine Stanfield at a visit to Tenwek Mission Hospital in 2011. They are seasoned missionaries with years of experience in the mission field serving with World Gospel Mission. They left their home in Kenya shortly after our visit and they now serve as Assistant Country Directors for WGM in Uganda. We were so excited to hear they would be joining the Simply The Story and team CHE Training of Trainers in Tonj.

The Kuj family with Jeff and Christine Stanfield

It’s true – you reap what you sow. Jeff and Christine sowed to please the Holy Spirit and made an eternal impact in Tonj. They really encouraged us as a team not to give up, even though we have been serving in the same way for years, even if no one notices, even if people take advantage and criticize, even when you feel it’s not making a difference. Just be faithful and keep planting, the harvest will come. They know firsthand what it takes to go the long haul. Jeff was impressed how simple life was for us in Tonj, uncomplicated, not submerged in modern technology but still effective, focused on the gospel and not on the gadgets!!!

Christine Bible Storying
Christine Bible Storying

They are both gifted teachers and everyone enjoyed their interaction. Christine served in the Nurse Training School at Tenwek and easily jumped into our Saturday training of our own nurse assistants. We are praying they can be back in August to help with a new CHE class and further nurse training. They were a blessing from the Lord washing over us with encouragement and lifting our spirits.

Jeff and Local Pastors learning Simply The Story
Jeff and Local Pastors learning STS

Effective for Christ

Written by Pastor Kibe

Pastor Kibe sharing a story

Paul told the church of Corinth 1 Cor 9:26, “I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so fight I, not as one that beateth the air.” Considering this scripture in light of ministers of the gospel, I think that a lot needs to be done to improve our effectiveness in soul winning and discipleship.  As I look and pray concerning South Sudan I tend to see that one of the greatest need for the church is to have the pastors and the teachers of the word equipped properly to have them carry on the work of Christ effectively. In Deed and Truth Ministries has been training pastors from Tonj and Rumbek. Last week we had Pastor Billy from Uganda come and teach STS (Simply The Story), the art of story telling as a way of passing the Word of God. Since the majority of the congregation cannot read or write, story telling is one of the beautiful concept that the pastors can use to teach the word.

Pastor Billy Teaches STS

As the seminar went on, it was just beautiful to fellowship with the pastors and church leaders and see how eager they were in learning. I was really encouraged to see one of the participants called Peter, who is 16 years old, eager to learn the story telling concept. Our prayer is that as they go back to their homes they will continue to use this method to teach the word.  The Lord Jesus said in Luke 12:48, ”For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more”. We would urge you too who are partners with us in Christ calling to pray for them.

A Visit from the Coppedges

It was a joy to host the Coppedge family, missionaries from Arua, Uganda, for a new story telling training.  Billy has visited us many times but only came with his wife and 2 oldest children once, over 2 years ago.  Since then they have added twin girls to their family and it was our pleasure to have them all come for a short visit.  For them as a family to engage in ministry together was also special.

Our kids asked us for days leading up to the visit WHEN would they arrive!  We don’t get a lot of  ‘young’ visitors, so this was an all round special time for both families.  We really thank God for this family, for enduring despite the hard work to pack up four young children for a trip into the bush and for being willing to go wherever the Lord sends them.

Billy was a facilitator for the Simply The Story training through Mango Ministries and World Gospel Mission.

Sudan Church History

Prof. Dr. Bernd Brandl teaching students

“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” – Matthew 24:14

IDAT Bible school opened two weeks ago. The Bible school students were privileged to have a professor of Church history who visited them for two days. Prof. Dr. Bernd Brandl had come all the way from Germany.

Church history for Africa dates back to a few decades after Christ was risen when some of the disciples came to North Africa, to places such as Alexandria in Egypt. Churches were established and later the gospel spread up the Nile river to a region around the present Khartoum.

Later these places were conquered by invading armies that scattered and destroyed the congregations. The churches died partially due to isolation from their mother churches and lack of strong leadership, this being a good lesson to learn for present day church leaders.

Bible School Update by Losee’s


“Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.” – Mark 16:16


My husband and I are excited again to be here in Tonj to teach the pastors. They were at the airstrip to meet us when we landed.  Monday, our first day of class, began with a song as I entered the classroom and then we prayed together and thanked the Lord Jesus Christ that we were all back together again.

We are finishing Manual 10, the last manual of the BTCP Curriculum, Missions Evangelism Discipleship. Yesterday was one of the best days I have had in the classroom since we started the Bible School three years ago. Part of the daily lesson was for the student to prepare and orally give his personal testimony.

I was privileged to listen to all of the pastors’ personal testimonies of how they became born again. It was truly awesome to learn that everyone of them are “first generation” Christians. Each pastor said that their parents were not believers, they were idol worshipers and involved in witchcraft. The wonderful part was that when they became a Christian and were baptized they returned to their homes and witnessed to their families and their families accepted Christ and they too became believers and were baptized. I was reminded of how the Philippine jailer and “all his household” was saved in Acts 16:25-34.


My husband, Joe, and I are teaching four sessions each day, starting at 9:15am and ending at 5:30pm. The pastors are there each morning ready to start with smiles on their faces and with a song to greet us.  We are so blessed to be a part of this training of the pastors.  We truly thank IDAT for the awesome work they are doing here in S Sudan and that they have allowed us to be a part of it.

Joe and Nancy Losee