April 2020 Newsletter

Benevolence Fund!

The definition of “Benevolence” is the quality of being kind. Our ‘benevolence fund’ was set up several years ago as a way for our ministry and donors to show specific acts of kindness, generosity and compassion to those we serve whose special needs are outside our normal areas of care.

We love having this fund as it gives us the freedom to promptly respond to needs and exercise God’s amazing love for people in the process.  We like to keep a balance in the fund as we never know what the Lord will bring before us.

In 2020 alone, we have used this benevolence fund for several cases.

Mid-February we helped a family rebuild their tukuls (mud huts) after a devastating fire burnt three huts down. Thankfully no one was hurt but they lost the very little they had including food. The owner is a Christian man called Isaac who cares for orphaned children as well as his own family.

Orphans left with nothing after the fire
IDAT used benevolence funds to rebuild tukuls

At the beginning of March we had a mother bring her 8 month old baby to the clinic. Marial showed signs of hydrocephalus (water on the brain) and we knew right away the child needed a surgery not available in South Sudan.

Marial before the surgery
Smiling Marial after surgery in Uganda

Thankfully, because of generous partners like you, we had enough benevolence funds to assist them getting to Uganda and paid for the child to have this life saving surgery. Marial has returned to Tonj and is doing really well. The mother was giving praise to God and claimed Jesus as her Savior, promising to raise Marial as a Christian.

“Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble.” 1 Peter 3:8

Overcoming Fear!

Like many of you we are facing difficult times and left wondering what is going on in the world right now? Tonj just went through horrendous tribal fights with many lives lost.

A herd of cattle laying dead on top of a dirt field

Cows are equivalent to wealth and used for trading and dowry’s. An important part of the Dinka economy and culture. This was a recent cattle camp raid that left even children shot.

It got so bad we had to close our clinic to protect our staff and even now, people are using the IDAT compound as a refuge. Many IDAT families were sheltering with us to protect their children.A group of people riding on the back of a truck.

Now with COVID-19, what is the Lord saying to us during this time of fear, worry and anxiety? What we have shared through CHE in Tonj and with you now is, GOD is Sovereign, HE remains in control, HE is bigger than Covid-19 or cattle raiders, we can trust HIM, HE promises to never leave us or forsake us, HE is always with us, our days are numbered by HIM only and our security is found in HIM alone. AMEN!!

7 thoughts on “April 2020 Newsletter”

  1. Oh my. I am so very sorry to see this devastation with the cattle raids, and shooting of children, and each other!! Praying for these raids to end!! Prayers for your protection and guidance in all you do!!

  2. We continue to pray for you all, these photos are so upsetting to see but as you say we do have a sovereign God who is still on the throne, Hallelujah!!
    I’ll send a link to a youtube song a friend sent to me. God is at work, may you see hidden treasures today in the midst of the storm. Love and prayers psalm 91 ?

  3. Thanks for the update. My heart goes out to all of you out there. Sometimes we think that we are suffering until we see what life is like for others. We are praying for you and your ministry.

  4. Thanks for the update! God is so good. Glad you are able to be there to help these people through these uncertain and scary things. Praying for your protection!

  5. Suzy, your prayer warriors state side continue to come alongside of you everyday. Yes, we have no idea what lies ahead, BUT we know who does and is working everything together for His glory.

  6. Yes the swarm is affecting some areas in South Sudan but we have not seen any in Tonj.

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