Christ Centered Care!
CHE – Community Health Evangelism is a Christ-centered proven strategy that IDAT uses to equip communities to identify issues and mobilize resources to achieve positive and sustainable change. Lives and communities are transformed as people come to Christ and work together to address local needs.

We now have CHE centers in seven villages. CHE seamlessly integrates evangelism and discipleship with community health and development. Through CHE, individuals become followers of Jesus and communities are lifted out of cycles of poverty and disease.

Our CHE center in Kunyuk village made an impressive 800 home visits in 6 weeks which included education on pneumonia, a major health issue during the current dry season.

Poverty is also alleviated, but our purpose is much deeper. Our purpose is a transformation in the lives of these communities that is deep in the heart, where Jesus is recognized as Lord over all creation. Our development activities bring glory to God by reflecting His Kingdom plan.

Under Pastor Ruben’s CHE leadership the village of Warrak now has it’s first school and a small PHCU (primary health care unit). The community came together to build the clinic out of mud and grass. We are currently training two Community Health Workers (CHW) to distribute basic drugs, according to WHO that can treat the 10 most common complaints, and this will alleviate death from treatable illnesses that
can become fatal if the patient delays treatment. Warrak, and Bobi where the other clinic will be, are both far from our clinic, so to carry a sick child for miles is not always easy. Many people revert to witchcraft or wait until the child is convulsing. Then it is sometimes too late to help. We’re so encouraged to see this community coming together to solve their own issues and improve their quality of life.
“Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!” Ps. 133:1
CHE seamlessly integrates discipleship and church planting with disease prevention and community-based development. IDAT has church plants in all the CHE villages pastored by IDAT pastors who also serve as CHE’s. Palek and Ariamduar have church plants because of CHE in Maloney. CHE promotes villages reaching villages for Christ!!

So grateful to read your latest update. God is doing great things through all there. God Bless!
This just thrills my soul. I am so happy to see the people taking ownership and making changes for the better of their communities.
Thank you for sharing the Good News—to the lovely people of South Sudan and with us!