Leo’s Blog!
What another interesting couple of days. Yesterday began with the usual morning devotion, which a recovering from illness Josephine was able to again lead worship. I was blessed to being able to share from Luke 23. After that it was into the day. Kristi, Kristina and Natasha made their way back to the clinic, Josephine and Emily made their way to the pharmacy, Dave helping with construction, and I was continuing sorting out the solar.
It has been so blessed seeing how the body of Christ is supposed to work. We each have our areas God has called us to serve in. And God is teaching each of us in different ways.
There is an increase in birth issues recently. Yesterday there was a lady out front of the clinic who had miscarried at 5 months, and many other miscarriages, and there have been a number of still births. It is hard to imagine the pain in this community, a community that is a combination of traditional tribal life and trying to move into the western way of life, and not succeeding in either. The need for a personal relationship with Jesus is so evident here, but of course, it is no different anywhere in the world.
That night we were blessed with the opportunity to minister at a nearby Leper colony. It was truly special. We had some worship, a short address based on the story of Peter and Cornelius, measuring the Leper’s feet for shoes, and distributing basic food items, and of course, followed by the Jesus film. It was a great night.
And as we returned to the compound, the was a message that a lady was delivering twins, and was in trouble. Kristi, Sheena and Kristina went to serve. Unfortunately only one of the twins survived, a girl, but that joy of life was very special.
Today Sabet, Natasha, Kristina and I went to Wau with the express need to by some cable for wiring up the Solar Panels, and also to re-wire the houses. Wau is some 60 miles west of Tonj along the roughest, most pot-holed road I have ever been on. Three hours of weaving and dodging holes, got us to Wau, and we found everything shut because of a Muslim holiday which commemorates the anniversary of Abraham offering his son Ishmael up as a sacrifice. Sound familiar? How the devil loves to manipulate and cause confusion. Another one of the devil’s tactics is to take what God gives. In a land where there is such need, and only limited resources, the Cellular phone companies have erected so many billboards promoting their products, and every 5th shop seems to sell Cell phones. It is so sad. We were not able to buy any cable, but we did get to fix a flat tire, give someone a lift back to Tonj, and see a land that really needs a work of the spirit, and many faithful harvesters.
Tonight it was decided to have a movie night, but just as things were getting organized, a lady came in in labor. Kristina, Sheena and Josephine were off to serve. But I’m afraid you will need to check back in tomorrow and see how it turned out.
God is so amazing. He is so faithful. And His ways are not our ways, and His timing is not our timing. We are all growing so much. We are all aware time is drawing to an end, but it has been amazing time so far. God is Good.
Happy Thanksgiving!
God Loves Achol!
Dear friends and family,
Emily’s Blog!
Dear friends and family back in California!
What a blessed time it has been so far!
This is Ameer (pronounced A-mare) or Emily as you know me.
I have been sick, as you know, for the past 4-ish days. I am still not feeling one hundred percent but that is just because I have a sore throat and cough.
Today has been a packed and exciting day!
First off I led devotion about our conduct and how it reflects our character. Then, in devotion, because mum (Josephine) has been sick and unable to lead worship, we sang in Dinka with the other workers on the compound. It was truly blessed!
Then, we all went off to our various duties.
Dad (Leo) went to work on the solar system in an attempt to get it in a state of usability.
David went to work on mechanical and technical issues with the other Sudanese and Kenyan men.
Kristi, Kristina, and Natasha went to work in the Medical Clinic with John Paul and Sheena.
And finally, I went to work in the Pharmacy with Peter.
It was a reasonably slow day in the Clinic so Kristina came to help me with some cleaning and sorting in the Pharmacy. We have a Stock Check on Saturday for the Pharmacy so we needed to do some organizing and also because it was pretty dusty and dirty and messy in there.
Lunch was chickpea soup with the delicious Tonj Bread.
We all then went back to our duties and then the women gathered for the 3:00 women’s study on 1 Peter with Suzy. I wanted to rest so I went to read but the children, Agum, Hannah, and Jedidiah, found a way to distract me. Soon, the orphan girl named Achol came over and wanted to play as well.
It was a great time of fellowship and I learned some more Dinka words.
God is so good to bring us here to Sudan!
He continually shows me that although we may go through many trials and hardships, it is all for our spiritual growth and that we may trust and lean on God more.
Thank you for all your prayers and please pray not only for us but for all these beautiful Sudanese people.
In His Great Love,