Simply the Story Finale!

We have just finish with the pastors and what a fabulous three month term we had. They went home Sunday with great joy as they were anxious to see their loved ones.  They will be home for three months to plant their gardens and then return to us in August for a second four month term.

It was an extraordinary last week for the pastors as we ministered alongside the Simply the Story (STS).  The team of four people from Kenya, Uganda and USA, held a five day workshop and taught us to do Inductive Bible Study orally.  We witnessed the Lord working in the hearts of the pastors as they learnt this new evangelism tool.  Simply the Story takes a story from the bible and retells it to an illiterate group.  It is then retold by someone listening and then the storyteller leads the group through the story a third time.  At this point everyone is now quite familiar with the story.  Then going back through the story with group discussion we look for hidden treasures or spiritual observations and learn how to apply them to our life.

We have never before witnessed our pastors involved in such lively discussions and interested in every part of the story, asking questions and eager for their turn to share.  They could easily talk and discuss for more than two hours about a ten verse story.  Some of the discussions just blessed my heart to see the depth of understanding they have reached, making observations and comments that everybody in the group was blessed to hear and sometimes tearing from laughter.

In the last two years we have spent discipling these pastors it was always clear to us we are desiring them to increase in knowledge of the Word for their own growth and spiritual maturity.  Some of the churches they pastor have as many as 500 people and as high as 99% are illiterate, so this has been a challenge.  We have now brought an effective tool that the pastors can use and is suitable for their congregations.   They have bible stories in their pockets that can be pulled out and used at any given moment.  It’s brilliant!

The Lord is so faithful as we prayed for the Lord to help us fill in the gap for those who are illiterate in a way they can receive the gospel and understand it. Last year I (Sabet) was introduced to the method used by STS in a Bible study in Orange county.  I was amazed at how simple it was and yet so powerful.  I had no way of knowing how soon the Lord would provide a way for it to be brought to Tonj.  Suzy met with missionary friends from World Gospel Mission who have been using this STS in Uganda and working with it in over 150 churches.  They offered to help us and send us guys to lead us through the training.  We had over 20 pastors and leaders from four main areas that are surrounding our village Tonj.  Two tribal groups were represented in the training.  The first outcome of this training is to see how blessed the pastors are to see the Word alive and to see how they were touched by the new discoveries they made through the storytelling.  Second, is that I am praying and sensing God is doing a great revival in the Dinka and Lou land for His glory.

Please join us in praying for this tool to be taken  adn used in all the areas that these pastors come from. We are having another chance to train these pastors the next term they are here to be trainers and leaders in their own respective areas.  It was an exciting time to see our Lord Jesus being glorified by his servants who came and spent 10 days with us.  Many thanks to World Gospel Mission’s Joy Phillips and Billy Coppedge for helping to arrange and fund the workshop.  Also our gratitude is to Bramuel, Richard, Emmy and Jon for training us and allowing us to learn from them.  We are so blessed!

Happy Mother’s Day!

“Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward.” Psalm 127:3

Sitting under the grass banda to escape the horrendous heat in rural Tonj, South Sudan, I realized Mother’s Day was here and I needed to appreciate my mum living now in Florida. More and more each year, I treasure my mum, who raised four children. And each year, while working in South Sudan, my appreciation and wonderment is also for mothers worldwide and especially those here in Sudan.

Our soon-to-be-independent nation holds one of the worst maternal mortality ratios in the world at 2,054 deaths per 100,000 live births. That means that 1 out of every 48 babies who are born alive loses their mother at birth. In the United States that statistic is 8 deaths/100,000, or 1 out of every 12,500. That the average woman in South Sudan experiences 7 pregnancies in her life makes this reality even more dire, statistically, 1 of every 7.5 women will die due to pregnancy or delivery complications. Take a moment to think of 8 women you know. If you lived in South Sudan, chances are one of them would die from hemorrhage, sepsis, or obstructed labor.

It’s a grim reality. So why tout these dismal maternal health statistics on Mother’s Day? Because even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds, there is progress, offering hope for South Sudan’s future.

Warrap County has only 10% of births attended by a skilled attendant. Our clinic has a full-time African nurse midwife and a missionary midwife from USA even though we seriously lack available medical personnel. Most health facilities in South Sudan are run by community health workers who have only nine months of training and few clinical skills to handle complicated cases, we have an American volunteer doctor and Kenyan Clinical Officer. We are blessed more than others and have much to be thankful for. Every day our clinic saves the lives of these precious women. Our clinic also has JESUS! And HE brings the greatest hope of all.

If you are a Mum, our Mother’s Day gift to you this year is letting you know we commit to reduce the number of mothers who die during child birth, through using our trained staff and trusting in the Lord Jesus for hope. We will work and pray so other children will have a chance to treasure their mums a little more deeply each passing year. We promise to bring the hope of Jesus Christ to each mummy and celebrate her choice to come to our clinic and allow us to help her.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the Mum’s reading this.

Simply the Story

We have the great honor of hosting a team from Simply the Story, a product of the God Story Project. They are spending 8 days with us, training and equipping both our pastors and leaders to be able to effectively share the gospel amongst illiterate people. By the end of the training we hope to have bible stories in our pockets so we become a walking, talking bible amongst the Dinka people.

Update on Hannah

We have had such an amazing outpouring of love on our family in the last 24 hours through encouragement and prayer. What a joy to know so many are standing in the gap and praying for our sweet princess Hannah.

She continues to have temperature fluctuations which is common in malaria. When her fever is high, she’s really not doing well, but when it is low she’s just taking it easy. Yesterday she hardly ate and the little she had eaten was vomited.  Praise the Lord though, she did not vomit the malaria medication and despite not having any food, she seems stronger today and has managed to keep down some small food. She also has water diarrhea, which is common also with malaria and can quickly dehydrate you, so we are monitoring her fluid intake carefully.

Tonight, as I am sending this, she has requested to get out of bed and come to dinner. We are so thankful for these small signs of improvement. MAF offered to send a flight to divert today but we really felt a peace about waiting it out here even though we are in the middle of nowhere in the bush of Sudan. She is not quite 48 hours on the medication and once we pass that mark we should start to see some significant improvements. It has not helped to have such hot weather, it was easily over 120 F today, one of our hottest.

Please Pray for Hannah


Please pray for our precious Hannah. Yesterday she was perfectly well but this morning she came with complaints of a headache and slight fever of 100 F (37.6 C). I tucked her in our bed and went to devotions but when I returned after thirty minutes her fever had spiked to 102.6 F (39.2 C). So we gave her fever reducer, a cold washcloth and fan. The obvious next step for us here in Sudan is always to test for malaria. So we performed two lab tests, a rapid paracheck and a blood slide. Both came back negative but three hours later her fever went even higher to 103.3 F (39.6 C). With all these precautions we should have seen some small improvements. Her head is pounding and she is weak. Dr. Tom pressed on her liver and spleen, both of which were tender and a sign of possible malaria. So we are going to treat her for malaria even though the tests came back negative, which can happen when the malaria is in the very early stages.

We are asking for intercessory prayer for our daughter. Something has invaded her body and compromised her health and we are asking our Lord if He would remove all traces of this sickness. Pray for her healing, for peace in our hearts and for the Lord to be glorified through this trial. We thank our Jesus for each one of you as you pray for us and pass this onto your prayer chains.

“Then your light shall break forth like the morning, Your healing shall spring forth speedily, And your righteousness shall go before you; The glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard.” Isaiah 58:8

News From The Field