Tonj Academy


Today the AID Sudan team went to a local school called Tonj Academy to assess the possibility to have a radio program that would assit the teachers.  AID Sudan is praying about partnering with In Deed and Truth Ministries to put a radio tower on our compound.  This would be a very effective way to reach the local and surrounding community with the gospel, health talks and education.

A local Sudanese school teacher called William Majok had the vision to help students get the education they desperately desire and started this ‘private’ school to help them.  Resources are limited and classes are overcrowded.

Primary Standard 2

A typical sight early in the morning is the children walking down the road with a plastic chair on their head.  If they don’t bring their own they don’t get to sit on a chair.

Some of the children don’t even have  a makeshift classroom but are happy to receive whatever education they can even if it means sitting outside with limited shade from a large tree.  Sabet and AID Sudan’s Andrew Brown share a bible story with the children.