Snakebite Survivor

Four days ago a man called Magong was brought to us with a snake bite to his foot.  He was gardening and stepped on a puff adder, one of the deadliest venomous snakes in the region.  The family did not bring him immediately at 4 pm when it happened but several hours later when he showed signs of deterioration.  At this point there really was nothing to be done for him medically so we tried to make him as comfortable as possible and minister the gospel to him.  With this type of bite antivenom given in the first hour is essential.  The immediate effects of the venom is severe pain and swelling, hemorrhaging and nausea.  That first night he passed more than 3 liters of blood when he went to the bathroom.  Sabet was called and explained the severity of the situation.  He told him Jesus was with him and the man prayed and received Jesus into his heart.  The next morning he seemed to be much better.  We continued to pray and lay hands on him.  He is still with us and the loss of blood has reduced significantly.  He is in pain and the limb is swollen.  Please pray for him, for complete healing, that no gangrene will set in.  For his internal organs to be healthy.  For protection from witchcraft!

Last night Mario, one of our national medical staff, came running into the dining room, “come quickly, the witchdoctors are casting spells on the snakebite victim”.  Pastor Samuel and I ran over (praying on the way) and found 2 witchdoctors with a chicken and a spear performing some kind of ceremony and there were many people there watching (they had pretended to be visitors).  We stood in the middle and broke up the ‘party’.  Interestingly the witchdoctors tried to hide what they were doing and slip out, denying any witchcraft and acting very cowardly.  We escorted them outside and prayed for them.  We then went back to talk to the family, that the THIEF comes in the night to KILL, STEAL and DESTROY, but JESUS came to give LIFE and their precious son/husband was still alive.  They repented and we prayed for them and over the victim.  There is a real fear of being cursed so people are afraid to stand up against witchdoctors and often they will come without an invitation.  Please pray for this family and for Mongong complete healing.

Abundant Life

The Lord spoke clearly to us about the need to pray for every patient, which is hard when we have so many and are so few in staff.  But after much prayer we shared the vision with our staff last weekend and asked them all to try a new program.  The gospel will be presented at least three times to each patient duing their visit, through an evangelical presentation during registration, they will get a track in Dinka and wait to be seen while watching the Jesus film.  Then the doctors/nurses will make a spiritual assessment alongside the physical check-up.  If the patient already knows the Lord or has no interest, we will offer to pray for them in the consultation room.  Those interested in more information will be given a chance for one on one counseling.
Today we experienced such a wonderful response to the program.  We registered 107 patients and each one was prayed for as planned.  Many were sent for counsel and 14 prayed to ask Jesus to be their Savior.  We have noted the villages they have traveled from, some are very far and have no church so we are praying for future church plants.  Our pastors return from their summer break on Monday and we are excited to involve them in the counsel and follow-up.
Mary came with her 2 children, both had pneumonia and charms hung from their necks.  She claimed the charms contained medicine from the witchdoctor to protect the children from being sick.  After counsel she willingly cut off the charms herself and received Jesus into her heart.  She said she will come to church on Sunday. 

Thank You Horizon Prep!

We are so blessed by the children at Horizon Prep raising funds to purchase 6 months medical supplies for our medical clinic in Tonj.  Our Community Health Workers were so amazed this could be accomplished by children.  They personally wanted to join us in thanking Horizon Prep, Pastor Bob, the teachers, parents and children for all the hard work to make this posssible.

IDAT Tonj Junior league By Walter Macheo

It has been an amazing time here. This was my second time to Tonj after being briefly here last February for a fact finding mission. This has been nine fulfilling days for me, and I am sure for Frank too. It felt like coming back home the first day was so interesting for the young coaches were so keen to learn something new. The lord gave us an amazing way to share his word with this young coaches and captains. One thing for sure that was God guided decision was to train 14-22 year olds to become future coaches. Their eagerness to learn their enthusiasm to serve and the readiness to be mentored was mirrored in every eye contact to be made.

It is evident on how Sabet has established a deep rooted relationship with this young coaches and the timing can never be right. As it is said God’s timing is perfect timing. The DNA of services has been embedded in every staff right from the leadership technical clinic name them. The games were as intense and the competition was intense. Our first match was stopped during a very heavy storm with very strong lightning and thunder storms. Subsequent games went on smoothly with one significant difference we introduced praying before and after the match as while as team greeting each other after the match. This was one of the most difficult things for these young lads to do as I was made to understand taking defeat positively is not part of the culture.

We are glad that this was a them repeated all through the matches and by the time we got to the final match all would walk towards the center line for to pray together. We did show a movie of football stars called the chasing the prize where born again soccer players like Kaka and Lucio of Brazil were sharing their testimonies. That was very impactful to the coaches and captains who came to watch it. This was just before the finals and the next day I asked one of the loosing team coach Mario Ayum what it felt to loose and he told me in a affirmative that KAKA told us yesterday that loosing and winning are part of the game so this is not the end of it. We are happy that we got a chance to be in the final. How amazing God’s works in different ways to speak to his children

As I conclude two scene touched my heart, one was Coach Dennis who was so enthusiastic from day one but mid through the training he went down with a serious illness. However he religious made it to every session sometimes taking breaks in between to rest outside the training hall but he never wanted to miss anything. How many of us are that eager to serve the lord, how many times we have taken setbacks to be excuses not to do it for our master it was a big challenge to me as a person.

The second one was one I handed over the uniforms to the finalist one of the kids put on the kit and proudly kissed the new uniforms and it was breath taking. The motivation was three times they were eager to be on the final. The final beauty was seeing this kids place their hands on their chest as they sing their new national anthem just before their match what a scene indeed it was a joy for me to be part of this historic moment  that God has set apart for his children in South Sudan. I praise your name and thank God that I was able to be here with a wonderful servant of God Frank.

Walter Machio



Michezo Afrika! by Frankline Shelimba

I was very happy when Walter called me to tell me that he wanted me to join him for a mission in Southern Sudan. From there I started planning and at the same time preparing for the mission since this was going to be my first Mission outside my country.

When I was on the plane from Nairobi to Loki and from Loki to Rumbek I was so quite since I dint know anything about Southern Sudan. And since this was my first time to come to this country, what I was looking forward for was the sports ministry and at the same time celebrate independence with the new Southern Sudan. When we arrived at Lokichogio I remember asking Walter to give me some info about our mission and the place we are heading. Walter just told me that the place is very hot and we should prepare something very basic since the level of sports is very low.

On my arrival we were met with Sabet who took us to meet his family and Dena at the restaurant. During the lunch Sabet and Suzy started walking us through the ministry preparing us for the task ahead of us. I was very happy to arrive at the compound and meet the rest of the staff and missionaries who were using their skills and God given talent to serve the community.

After a good briefing on the ministry I was ready to use what the Lord has placed in my hand to serve the community of Tonj. We started the training by a small ice breaking game just to help us and the participants to get to know each other and being free.

My experience here if I was to use one word I will use Servant hood, I’m saying this because since the first day I arrived in Tonj all I could see was people serving one another and serving the Lord through the ministry. One person who his servant hood you could see was Sabet, since he was always running up and down taking time to listen to everyone even the little children. He served his family, staff and the community with a loving heart. Medical staff used their skills in serving the community even if how late or early it was. Whenever they were called they went to attend to a patient and they did that with a loving heart. Jane and Esther really used what the Lord has blessed them with to serve the whole compound with their wonderful meals and the energy they do put in their work.

Am looking forward coming back to help in training and implementing Sports Ministry here in Tonj.




News From The Field