A team of five men from a German company called Diguna which is based in Kenya arrived on Wednesday for the completion of Radio Tower. They are all knowledgeable and experienced in doing this work. A cement foundation or base as it’s called was built before the team arrived to erect the tower. From that base sections are added. Actually the correct term is an element. There are 23 elements in total. When finished the total height of the tower will be 69 meters or 226 feet. Kerrie Snow is here for the follow up of the radio tower and she is also helping in the clinic with dressings.
Kerrie came here specifically to try and understand more about the culture and beliefs as it pertained to health so that she could write lessons that would address needs as she perceived them. It has been extremely helpful and eye opening. It is easier for her to gather information in the afternoons as the clinic has generally slowed down and translators are more available. She sometimes just hang out on benches in front of the clinic and ask a lot of questions. All the young men that work in the clinic are very eager to help her and seem to enjoy discussions.
After Kerrie gathers information she will then process and categorize it so that she can place it in the right lesson that she want to present. Next she will need to write out her questions in English ahead of time so that the translator can review them and know what she is looking for. After some practice runs they finally get to record on her computer. Her kind and patient son- in law helped her set up a the recording program.
That’s not the end of the process by any means. After the interview it may be necessary for her to add information that will enhance the lesson. When it is all final she will send it to Houston where it will undergo editing and finally it will be sent via satellite going through Canada back to radio towers in Southern Sudan. Wow, modern technology!
“I will extol the Lord at all times; his praise will always be on my lips.My soul will boast in the Lord;let the afflicted hear and rejoice. Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt his name together.” – Psalm 34:1-3