CHE TOT 3 (Training Of Trainers) marked the end of the first year of teaching the CHE program this year. This time we were blessed to have Dr. Philip and Dr. Rick both from WGM leading the training.
We have enjoyed and learn a lot. The inspiring teaching of Dr. Phillip, for sure made the participants challenged and inspired as they were being commissioned to select the committees in their areas for the trainings that they will lead themselves.
The CHE Trainers were given more tools in these sessions, to enable them to start this great work in the villages. Some of the tools are how to put the messages in Songs and use stories to deliver the messages, leading the teaching of some of the topics themselves and many other tools.
One thing was a clear great blessing is to hear the testimonies that they brought back from the seed projects they have done in their home villages.
This time I heard story from this quite lady from the Kulu villages her name is Mary. Mary doesn’t say a lot, most likely because of the language barrier; She is a lou tribe from Western Baher ELgazal State. Most of the participants are Dinka except her groups of 4 people.
The Seed project they have done this time was to go and clean the Market from the Plastic bottles and plastic bags, and make a Trash pit, while they were doing that they have also brought a Tipy Tap for washing hands and they were showing the use of it and the importance of wash hands. People start gathering around them to see why they were cleaning the market, others joined in because they were inspired by the CHE group imitative.
In one occasion the market traders contributed free drinks of Soda and water to the 4 CHE Trainers. At the End of it Mary says, this guy who used to be part of the church and a believer was touched by what he saw, he shared with them that how he felt God’s convictions in his heart, because of the cleaning work they have done in the market, he continue to say, now I have to go back to the Church and be part of Gods family again.
To Hear this from quite Mary is a testimony in itself, I never expected her to understand or to put in right way I had little faith in her, but I was proved wrong and God works in amaising ways. That from the testimony she shared she has shown she got what is CHE is all about and it wasn’t just about community cleaning project but it was sharing the gospel through these simple seed projects and I told myself if Mary gets it then there is a huge hope in the horizon for the whole group, Mary got the holistic approach. My prayer is that CHE will work transforming people lives physically and spiritually and we will be hearing awesome testimonies in the near future.