CHE 3 and the start work of community tranformation

CHE participants presenting a song

CHE TOT 3 (Training Of Trainers) marked the end of the first year of teaching the CHE program  this year. This time we were blessed to have Dr. Philip and Dr. Rick both from WGM leading the training.

We have enjoyed and learn a lot.  The inspiring teaching of Dr. Phillip, for sure made the participants challenged and inspired as they were being commissioned to select the committees in their areas for the trainings that they will lead themselves.

The CHE Trainers were given more tools in these sessions, to enable them to start this great work in the villages. Some of the tools are how to put the messages in Songs and use stories to deliver the messages, leading the teaching of some of the topics themselves and many other tools.

One thing was a clear great blessing is to hear the testimonies that they brought back from the seed projects they have done in their home villages.

This time I heard story from this quite lady from the Kulu villages her name is Mary. Mary doesn’t say a lot, most likely because of the language barrier; She is a lou tribe from Western Baher ELgazal State.  Most of the participants are Dinka except her groups of 4 people.

The Seed project they have done this time was to go and clean the Market from the Plastic bottles and plastic bags, and make a Trash pit, while they were doing that they have also brought a Tipy Tap for washing hands and they were showing the use of it and the importance  of wash hands. People start gathering around them to see why  they were cleaning the market, others joined in because they were inspired by the CHE group imitative.

In one occasion the market traders contributed free drinks of Soda and water to the 4 CHE Trainers. At the End of it Mary says, this guy who used to be part of the church and a believer was touched by what he saw, he shared with them that how he felt God’s convictions in his heart, because of the cleaning work they have done in the market, he continue to say, now I have to go back to the Church and be part of Gods family again.

To Hear this from quite Mary is a testimony in itself, I never expected her to understand or to put in right way I had little faith in her, but I was proved wrong and God works in amaising ways. That from the testimony she shared she has shown she got what is CHE is all about and it wasn’t just about community cleaning project but it was sharing the gospel through these simple seed projects and I told myself if Mary gets it then there is a huge hope in the horizon for the whole group, Mary got the holistic approach. My prayer is that CHE will work transforming people lives physically and spiritually and we will be hearing awesome testimonies in the near future.

Dr. Phillip sharing a lesson with the CHE group
Dr. Rick in a session

Dangers Lurking…Please Pray!

Written by Suzy Kuj

We come to you and ask for prayer as we have been facing some difficult situations:

Pray for Afforey, he is a Ugandan truck driver that was shot just 40 km from Tonj on the road to Rumbek. The bullet entered his thigh and came out through his tailbone. Thankfully the bullet passed through but we do not know if there has been lasting damage to his spine. He is in a foreign country and alone. We know the Lord brought him to our clinic for love and care and we are planning to medevac him later this week. He is the second Ugandan shot this week and brought to us for treatment.

Due to the road insecurity, Sabet was also stuck in Rumbek last week collecting a visitor. MAF were able to divert an airplane and take them back to Tonj. Now our visitor is with us for 12 days and Lord willing we can fly her out of South Sudan without traveling on the Rumbek road. Please pray for that.

Last night while we were sleeping someone cut through our fence and started to lift the screen from the bathroom window of our house (which only has 2 other rooms). Theft has become a big problem in Tonj and the thief truly was taking a risk breaking into our home knowing we are sleeping there. Thankfully he did not choose the children’s bedroom and as far as we can tell he did not succeed to get into the house. I actually get up once in the night for the loo but last night I got up three times!! We think I may have disturbed him as we found a metal rod on the ground outside and after my last loo visit I stayed up to do some bookkeeping and it was around 4 am. We are so thankful for God’s protection as he has revealed these problems to us so we can be more guarded. He has also revealed several snakes around the compound and scorpions in the house/kids bedroom.

Feeling the need to ask for prayer covering for our safety and protection.

Blake Rosemann from Eastgate Team

I must say this has been the most unique experience of my life. The culture is amazing, the people are astounding, and the hand of God is truly moving here.

To see God working so actively is quite remarkable. Every action and prospect here on the compound has to be taken with full faith in our Lord. Nothing can be done here without Him. With such limited resources we have be a part of massive undertakings. With few people and even fewer tools, it seems as though God simply provides for everything. I have never been part of a group so devoted to God and people. The gospel is being lived out here in Tonj. It is honestly one of the most beautiful things I have ever witnessed.

Sabet and Suzy have welcomed us in with open arms and have made this experience truly enjoyable. I thank God that He has let me be a part of His enormous plan. I have such a heart for the South Sudanese people now. My prayers will continue to be here no matter where I am.

In The Trenches

Written by Marqueta from the Eastgate Team

Eastgate team members with medical staff

Life in the trenches is basically synonymous with fighting a battle in a grueling environment, referencing the plight of soldiers on the front lines during WW1. In contemporary jargon, it has  been watered down to refer to anything, really, such as the daily grind in the workplace.

But, for me, it has taken on more of it’s original meaning when I recently was privileged to serve with those who are literally on the front lines, everyday. In particular, I refer to the medical workers and volunteers at In Deed and Truth Ministries.

Firstly, the area is remote, which greatly impedes and limits provision of medications, supplies, and equipment. Secondly, the climate literally is an incubus for any number of diseases, the most prevalent being malaria. Then there are the indigenous species of wildlife, not just mosquitoes, but snakes and scorpions, to name a few, that can cause bodily harm requiring urgent medical care.

But, and this is the truly amazing part of the equation, these servants continue to fight the battle with incredible fortitude, optimism, and even joy. Instead of bemoaning the disparities that arise daily, they endeavor to attack the problem from different angles as a team.

I had the pleasure of working with Dr. Tom Randles. He spends many hours at the small clinic. He has a very common sense approach and the goal of stamping out malaria one patient at a time. Untreated malaria is merciless, culminating in convulsions and death.

I was shocked, initially at the number of patients that came in with early malaria symptoms, and saddened at the sight of others, seemingly beyond the point of return, with severe malaria symptoms. But, with medication and observation, at their small inpatient area, it was rewarding to see once listless babies eating again and able to hold up their heads, with eventual discharge.

Lest you get the impression that this is some kind of clinic with modern conveniences, let me provide a more accurate picture. The clinic itself is small, with only 4 rooms and 4 exam tables, one of which is for birthing, staffed with Annie Nduati, the midwife, who is there around the clock delivering little ones with Sham Musyoki. Another room is for wound care, injections, small surgery, and teeth pulling. That leaves 2 provider exam rooms, of which, Dr. Tom Randles and Dennis Wa Andayi, PA, provide care.

There is no air conditioning and recall that this is equator country-it is stifling hot. Insects are always prevalent, even during suturing, flies are hovering trying to land. Benches are lined up on the front porch with as many as 70 or more patients awaiting care in the mornings, with more en-route. The inpatient area is little more than a small one room building with about 7 beds, and no conveniences. The observation area is a concrete back porch with benches and a few mattresses on the ground.

Seemingly primitive, the quality of care exceeds it’s setting. In fact, even with the limitations, healthcare needs are met. However, they desperately need help. While I was there, medications had been depleted for tinea (ringworm) and certain antibiotics went out of stock. Pritty Alumasa does an amazing job in the pharmacy and keeps the staff updated on what is available.

The spiritual concerns are not neglected. Every morning a message is given to those waiting so they may know the giver of true life, Jesus. After treatment, they are prayed with again. Many of the staff and volunteers pray with the patients, and encourage them. It is an oasis, not only for physical aid, but for spiritual truth.

These that are in the trenches desperately need our support. Unfortunately, many brave men on the front in WW1, lost their lives as the constraints of war severed their support. We have the opportunity and the wherewithal to help and are not encumbered by a physical war here or in Tonj. There is a spiritual war, however, that if succumbed to, may result in physical and spiritual losses. Your help  may save a life now and for eternity.

    1. The new clinic will address many of the present concerns regarding limited space and adequate working conditions; however, the labor to complete the building and provision of it are ongoing. Medical equipment and supplies are costly, complicated, further still, by the logistics of transporting items to Tonj.
    2. Dr. Tom Randles is wholly supported by donations. A committed monthly support will help to alleviate him of the onus of obtaining this for himself. He’s not very good at that anyway, being reticent to ask. Rather, he should be free to do the thing our Father has burdened his heart for, and that is to serve the people of South Sudan through medicine.
    3. Pray for the staff and volunteers daily. I mentioned a few in the blog, please pray for them, but the work is big and there are so many that compliment the team including pastors, translators, nursing staff, and I would like you to know their names: Albino, Andrew, Dorothy, Gabriel, Issac, James, Joseph, Martin, Peter, Rebecca, Santo, Santos, Sam, Judah and the other Joseph and James Issac.
    4. Pray also for Sabet and Suzy, and their family, who are immersed in every aspect of the ministry daily, that God would continue to guide and strengthen them with His wisdom and love.

“My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and truth.” – 1 John 3:18

Please Pray

Written by Sabet & Suzy Kuj

Our team here in Tonj wish to thank you for your prayers for us with Ayak passing away last Friday. The memorial was a special time of sharing and praying with her family and neighbors.

We have had an incredible month with lots of visitors. We have a few prayer needs for the coming week:

  • Today we start our cataract surgery outreach. Pray for the patients, doctors and staff as they prepare and start to do the surgeries. We are not in a location where we can get things easily so our prayer is for everything to be in place and run smoothly and that many people would come for surgery and have their lives transformed both physically and spiritually.
  • We are completing our 3rd Community Health Evangelism (CHE) training this week. Pray for those that have participated to apply the truths they have learnt and impact the lives of those around them with these principles in the villages they serve.
  • We have hosted back to back teams this entire month and it has been an incredible blessing and encouragement to the staff, community and patients. We are normally 12 people living on the compound but this last month we have accommodated between 15-35 people every day, which has been quite a lot of work without rest in between. It is our joy to host and have people come and serve our Lord in this remote place so we are NOT complaining. Just need prayer for stamina and strength for those cooking, moving beds around, making beds and doing laundry. We are now on our last team and we are tired. Pray we would not grow weary but finish strong!

News From The Field