ANC Community Outreach

In Deed and Truth team visitation
In Deed and Truth team visitation


Our outreach to the community using our Ante natal program is becoming more and more popular.  People are so excited to have us visit them, which then draws a crowd and opens a door to share the gospel.  We visited the home of one of our ANC clients known as Elizabeth Mabior from Hyzindia village about 3 km from our clinic. These home visits are making a remarkable difference in the community. Many mothers are aware of basic home hygiene. The family of Elizabeth appreciated the program indeed after we shared on one of the common ailments – DIARRHEA  we discussed on ways of preventing diarrhea and emphasized on hand washing and use of toilets which they never had. We also promised to go back for the evaluation on the same.  Please pray for us to be effective as we share and gain the trust of this community.  Pray for spiritual and physical transformation of this community.

April 2013 Newsletter

CHE and STS!

This month was incredibly busy and blessed with back to back teams and workshops working together with us to build God’s kingdom here in Tonj. Mango Ministries facilitated the training to more than 30 pastors and leaders on how to use Bible storytelling to bring the gospel to churches and communities. This included the five churches we planted and the two new churches planted in the last 2 months. Each participant was sent home with 12 stories to learn and share. It is so awesome to see the fruit from the three years of Bible training our pastors received and to see them pouring out their lives to serve the Lord through church planting and preaching.

Pastor Billy and Pastor Daniel

Mary, an STS participant, has been using the story of Mary and Martha to encourage the local women of her village. Many women are too busy working, getting water etc. to attend church. After hearing Mary share the Bible story, Mary said “many were awoken spiritually and began coming to church and they are asking me for more stories”. Mary has a vision to share the Bible through storying with any woman she meets, whether they are gathering firewood or collecting water from the well near her house. It is our joy to see the church of South Sudan healthier spiritually than we have ever experienced it, maturing in faith and seeing these healthy churches teaching the truth of God’s Word and the saints growing and walking in that truth.

This month we also graduated the first class for our Training of Trainers for the Community Health Evangelism (CHE) program. This program is having a huge impact on the communities represented by the trainers. The leaders are being transformed before our eyes through the truth of God’s Word.

Graduated Trainers for CHE

Topics of discussion have been about sin issues, trusting the work of the Lord Jesus on the cross and depending on the Holy Spirit for true conviction, repentance and change. The last workshop implemented the teaching of Farming God’s Way as a tool to help communities maximize their harvest. Families live and depend on the land for all their food needs for an entire year, so this teaching was valuable and possibly life-saving to them as we still experience a one month food gap every year following the devastating famine of 1998. Our hope is knowing the Lord Jesus came to give life abundant.

Church Plants!

Two new churches have recently been planted in another area of Warrap state by one of our graduated pastors called Pasquale. One of those churches was planted in the village of Rebobi. Our partner, Every Village, has been drilling bore holes in the Tonj area based on our recommendations. Rebobi village had a three hour walk to the nearest water source and was a perfect candidate for an Every Village water pump. Pastor Pasquale met with the community and shared the Lord’s provision for water with them. After the borehole was drilled Pastor Pasquale called the villagers together for a time of thanksgiving and praise and gave all thanks and glory to God for His answer to prayer and provision for Rebobi. The villagers enjoyed the time of praise and prayer and Pasquale noted they did not have a place to worship the Lord. So he announced that a church would meet every Sunday for those interested in worshipping the Lord together and that’s how the church was planted.

Church plant in Rebobi

These churches really need your prayers. Pastor Pasquale already pastors a church of 100 + people so he appointed an elder from his church to lead one of the church plants. The other church is still in need of a leader.

“Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the LORD, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever they do prospers.” — Psalm 1:1-3

Prayer Requests!

  • For spiritually strong leaders for the seven churches planted in the last year.
  • For the completion of Agum’s adoption and a visa.
  • For Sabet as he travels and for Suzy as she remains in Africa.

Praying for the Women

Written by Annie, a midwife at In Deed And Truth Ministries

Medical emergencies have been so rampant this month in our clinic, especially in our ANC. I saw two ladies recently with serious conditions, Akon Deng from Malualmok village and Amon Det from TimTok. Akon arrived having Ante-partum hemorrhage,very anemic ,even going into shock. We started our emergency care immediately and managed to stabilize her.

Amon Det had obstructed labor and had been laboring for the last 24 hrs at home. She was brought to the clinic in a very bad state. On examination,there was intra Uterine fetal Death (I.U.F.D).

Both women were referred for surgery to a hospital in Wau about 5 hrs drive from our clinic and we assisted them with our ambulance. In our follow up we heard Akon survived but she lost her baby before delivery. Sadly Amon did not make it, she had a cesarean but passed away the next day.

Please pray for the families of these two ladies and in general for the pregnant women and for improved maternal health.

South Sudan holds one of the worst maternal mortality ratios in the world at 2,054 deaths per 100,000 live births. That means that 1 out of every 48 babies who are born alive loses their mother at birth. In the United States that statistic is 8 deaths per 100,000, or 1 out of every 12,500. That the average woman in South Sudan experiences 7 pregnancies in her life makes this reality even more dire, statistically, 1 of every 7.5 women will die due to pregnancy or delivery complications. Take a moment to think of 8 women you know. If you lived in South Sudan, chances are one of them would die from hemorrhage, sepsis, or obstructed labor.

God bless you for caring and for praying.

Easter Service

Written by Pastor Kibe

Sunrise Easter Service

We had a great day last Sunday celebrating the resurrection of our Lord  Jesus Christ. We were blessed to have guys in the church being of great help in putting everything in place. Some of our church members from the community joined the praise team and glory to God we had a wonderful time worshipping together as a body. We had guys still help us to prepare the meeting place since we were holding our service under a mango tree rather than in hall. I was just blessed to see the service that this believers gave to the Lord and to the body. It is evident that the Holy Spirit is working in their lives and drawing them closer. Their participation was worth noting for I believe they are walking in obedience to the scriptures as far as serving each other in the body is concerned and making use of the gifts that the Lord has given us.

“Now to each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good”
– 1 Corinthians 12: 7

We have being urging them to get involved as we go through the book of Acts and it is beautiful to see them take some responsibilities in the church and in help with the Sunday school. We continue to pray that they will keep the fire burning in their hearts and lives through the help of the Holy spirit and that their walk shall be evident of the risen Lord.

We also had a wonderful service being reminded that just as Jesus resurrected in a new body, so also we who hope in Him will also have our bodies raised to be like Him. Thus we have to keep watching and keep our hope alive until that day that He comes for us as He promised.

“In my Father’s house are many mansions: if [it were] not [so], I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, [there] ye may be also.” – John 14:2-3

Ultimately we had our breakfast together and enjoyed a great fellowship with each other as we had our snacks. Blessed be the Name of the Lord.


News From The Field