Tonj Update!
We are happy to announce the team arrived safely back in Tonj after taking a few weeks rest in Nairobi. They are ready to work through until Christmas break, so please be praying for their stamina, safety, health and most of all their spiritual well-being. Dr. Tom has started his summer break in Florida, so volunteer, Dr. Jan Zijp from the Netherlands, is serving in his absence. We are so thankful to Africa Inland Mission being able to assist our team by getting them and the ‘stuck’ medicine from Nairobi to Lokichoggio in northern Kenya and then onto South Sudan without going through Juba.

Thank you for praying for the Lord to make a way. He is clearly in control and completely turned a difficult situation around for the good of everyone. Firstly, our medicine finally made it to South Sudan. Secondly, because we pulled all our professional medical personnel from the clinic due to lack of supplies and exhaustion, the authorities in Tonj responded by promising to supply us with medicine from the Ministry of Health! These drugs will only cover certain issues but if they help us only with malaria medication it will save us thousands of dollars in purchasing and flying medicine to Tonj. This has been an ongoing struggle for years to try and get them to help us, so we are praising Jesus for this breakthrough and pray it will develop into a sustainable solution.
One thing is for sure, they missed us when we were not on the ground and this has strengthened our reputation among the Dinka people. What we thought would be a disaster, the Lord worked out for good.
Our South Sudanese staff did an amazing job in the absence of the IDAT team, they continued to minister to patients and treat them for malaria as well as determine those needing referral. Mostly offering hope in a hopeless and dying world.
The Kuj’s Update!
We continue to wait on the LORD for the process of Agum and Sabet’s U.S. citizenship. Please pray for favor with immigration officials to complete these applications quickly so we can start our preparation for going back to South Sudan. The kids had a few tears when they knew we were staying longer than planned. They miss the compound, their family, friends and dogs!!!
Lord willing, Sabet will be able to leave by the end of August but Agum’s paperwork might take longer. We are looking toward the bigger picture that our life belongs to Him and we desire to lay our life down and serve Him for the long term. This process will make that possible!
We are so grateful to the LORD for the many blessings He continues to pour out on our family day by day. His provision is amazing and goes beyond what we have even asked for. Horizon Christian Fellowship blessed us with a week at Forest Home Family Camp. A great time of being spiritually fed, making new friends and having so much fun!!! On return the kids were invited to attend the Walking on Water surf camp, again another amazing experience for our children to learn how to surf and have Godly fellowship. This ministry is truly touching lives for Jesus! We were so blessed to be given an opportunity to share with them.
Now with our plans changing and being here a bit longer, this July Sabet is attending the Calvary Chapel pastors conference and Suzy is heading to Canada for some Community Health Evangelism training. We continue to seek His guidance and plan for our return to Africa and pray we will be better equipped and ready for whatever He has in store for us back in Tonj.
“And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ.” – Colossians 3:23-24
The Container Is Here!
We are excited to have an opportunity to send some larger items to South Sudan that would be an amazing blessing to both our family and ministry. If you are able to help us with this need either by purchasing or donating items there is a downloadable list of all the things we are praying will be donated along with drop off details. If you’re not in the San Diego area sending in a love gift would really help out with the cost of purchasing our solar unit ($10,000) or with shipping the container ($20,000). We are hoping to complete the filling of the container by the end of August.
Prayer Requests
- Pray for the team to adjust to being back in South Sudan and protection over the compound and their health.
- Pray for Dr. Tom to get rest and for Dr. Jan as he fills in for a couple of months.
- Continued prayer for our citizenship issues for Sabet and Agum.
- The container to be filled quickly.