Safe Deliveries

Madelena Adut Ateng from the village of Madol is the mother of this beautiful baby girl, the third baby to deliver in our clinic today. In a country where we have one of the highest maternal mortality rates, it is always a joy to assist mothers in safe delivery.

IDAT Midwife Annie with newborn
IDAT Midwife Annie with newborn

We thank God for the privilege to serve the people of Tonj with a maternity program that saves lives every day. Please pray for wisdom and favor for our midwives, nurses, doctors and community health workers.

Suzy in Africa

There are many things I have had to endure as a missionary but one of the hardest is spending time apart from Sabet. This season has been a tough one for our family. Sabet has been gone for 3 months now and we all miss him.

When I was offered a ticket to Nairobi to see him I had mixed feelings. Of course I wanted to go but to leave the children and us both be so far away seemed impossible. But just as the Lord provided a way for me to go He also covered all our needs so I could leave in peace.

I have to say it was the strangest experience flying without the children. And arriving in Nairobi was even more odd, as I felt like a visitor to a place that has been a second home to us for 16 years.

All the ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’ of whether to go were gone when I saw Sabet’s mum. Yes, she was frail and had lost so much weight but amazingly she was upbeat and in good spirits. It was a special time for the two of us to hug and cry and love on each other. The kids each wrote her a special note and she in return recorded a blessing to them.

Suzy with Mama Sabet
Suzy with Mama Sabet

The first week was busy packing up the mission house and sending everything to South Sudan. Sabet’s mum flew back to Tonj after a few days and then we were able to get some quality time together.

The second week went so fast! I have to say I have not missed running out of water, power outages, slow internet and crazy traffic!

Saying goodbye was bittersweet. I don’t know when Sabet and I will be together again.  Getting home to our precious children was the only thing that lifted my heart.

A BIG thank you to the lovely ladies, Mum, Theresa, Kym and Rosa, who stepped in and were ‘mum’ to Hannah, Agum and Jed. Thanking the Lord for them and the body of Christ that continues to help us navigate through this valley.


October 2015 Newsletter

In the midst of today’s busyness and high-tech lifestyles, it is easy to not find time to pray but what a privilege to be given this calling as children of God. The battle, even for our time, is a spiritual one for which prayer is our answer!! We thank each one of you for praying for our family, missionaries, team and ministry. Your fervent prayers are carrying us through these tough times.

We have received notice that a decision regarding Agum’s US status should be communicated to us by the end of October. We are praising God and praying it would be favorable. Our greatest desire would be to be back in Africa for Christmas.

Dominic, Mama & Sabet

Sabet is still in Nairobi with his mum. His brother Dominic arrived safely from Australia and the three of them happily reunited for the first time in 20 years. The Lord is amazing and has answered our prayers by providing a ticket for Suzy to ‘nip’ over to Kenya to see Sabet after 8 weeks of separation. She’ll also get to see Sabet’s mum and Dominic before they all go back to Tonj, which may be her last chance to spend time with her. Pray for our time together, October 26th to November 7th, and for our children, Hannah, Agum and Jedidiah who will remain in Florida with Suzy’s mum.

Missions Conference!

Suzy and the kids were so blessed to spend a weekend with Calvary Chapel Merritt Island to attend their ‘Beautiful Feet’ mission conference. It was a time of refreshment, fun and making new friends.

Testimonies from Tonj!

This is Marek, he’s the cousin of our finance administrator, Andrea.

Jono, Marek (with wife) & Pastor Santino

He turned up at our clinic last week to share his testimony of the transforming power of Christ in his life. As a young man he made his fortune raiding cattle from the neighboring Nuer tribe, and like so many of rural South Sudanese he lived entrenched in spirit worship. Several months ago he developed a certain illnesses which even the strongest witchdoctors were powerless to fix. So as a last resort he came to Andrea, who brought him to our clinic. With a course of medication and prayer to the almighty God Marek had completely recovered within 3 days! He along with his 3 wives and many children were astonished at his rapid recovery, and the whole family determined that from this day forth they would follow the God who was so much more powerful than any witchdoctor.

“Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and He saved them out of their distresses. He sent His word and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions. Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men!” – Psalm 107:19-21

Praise to Jesus!!

Four month old Mabior woke up in the night crying with a high fever.

Pastor Santino, Mabior (his Mama) & Dr. Jono

Early the next morning he started seizing, and the seizure just didn’t stop. His mother, convinced he would die,   started mourning at home, but a relative convinced her to go to the nearest clinic. At the village clinic they were told it was too late so they tried a market pharmacy who also couldn’t help. Finally they turned up at In Deed and Truth clinic with the child still convulsing, struggling to breathe from aspiration, and on the verge of death. We promised the mother to try our best but told her that it would take some help from God to save this child. So while starting IV infusions to treat the malaria and stop the convulsions we laid hands on him and committed him to God. The next morning the child was alert and breastfeeding again, showing off his adorable smile… and we couldn’t stop smiling either! After witnessing the healing of her child, our chaplain Santino was able to share the good news of Jesus with her using picture cards, and like so many of our patients she joyfully invited Christ into her life.

  • Please join us in praise and prayer for all these needs and testimonies.

Macleod Newsletter September 2015

Ci wek bäk raan ëbën,

Hi to all you incredible people sharing our journey here in South Sudan. The last 3 months for us has been like climbing a rocky, muddy mountain path. We’ve slipped and fallen at times, sprained our ankles and cursed the rain that makes the path more difficult. At other times we’ve looked out at the view, remembered why we’re climbing and enjoyed the challenge. A big thanks to all the encouragers out there who have kept us going up. Here’s a few stories…

We have a house!

…and we are almost living in it! We still cannot believe how this whole remarkable venture has come to be, but we are unspeakably grateful to my Dad Bryan, his friend Richard, and all the people and
businesses that donated the materials. After living communally for the past year we are excited about having our own little haven for our little family to call home. We have a guest room so please consider Tonj for your next winter getaway!

Achol’s family

Meet our friends (from left): Arek, Aliet, Achol, Deng, Mary and Tong

Achol's Family

Life is tough enough in South Sudan. Life is even tougher as a single parent. Try being a single Mum to six without any financial support from anyone. Despite living within 50 metres of a school and a medical clinic, these kids never saw the inside of either because Mum’s tea stall barely made enough to provide one meal a day, let alone the nominal fees for education or medical care. But Sunday school is fun, free and doesn’t require parental supervision, so that’s where our paths first crossed a year ago. Now we feel like these guys are extended family. Achol is in school, about to sit her first exams ever. We treat one of the kids in clinic at least once a week, and they join us for evening walks down to the river. Mary has come along to church a few times, and had a safe delivery in clinic earlier this year. And us? We benefit most. To us, this is seeing South Sudan transformed, one family at a time.

Mabior’s story

Last Friday Mabior (4months) woke up in the night crying with a high fever. Early the next morning he started seizing, and the seizure just didn’t stop. His mother, convinced he would die, started mourning at home, but a relative convinced her to go to the nearest clinic. At the clinic they were told it was too late so they tried a market pharmacy who also couldn’t help. Finally they turned up at IDAT with the child still convulsing, struggling to breathe from aspiration, and on the verge of death. We promised the mother to try our best but told her that it would take some help from God to save this child. So while starting IV infusions to treat the malaria and stop the convulsions we laid hands on him and committed him to God. The next morning the child was alert and breastfeeding again, today on ward round he were showing off his adorable smile… and we couldn’t stop smiling either! After witnessing the healing of her child, our chaplain Santino was able to share the good news of Jesus with her using picture cards, and like so many of our patients she joyfully invited Christ into her life.

The adventures continue

Although we love working in the IDAT clinic, we both have a deep passion for community health. So it’s been exciting to jump on the quad bike over the past few months and head out to visit some nearby villages. Watch this space over the coming years, as we look forward to spending more time in the surrounding communities, learning to amalgamate solid principles of health and development with the crazy, unquenchable love of Christ for the poorest of the poor.

Facilitating a men’s focus group on maternal health issues
Facilitating a men’s focus group on maternal health issues
Left: Ellisha, all recovered from her horror night with the scorpion Top-right: We’re going to miss you Grandad! Bottom-right: heading out on the quad
Left: Ellisha, all recovered from her horror night with the scorpion
Top-right: We’re going to miss you Grandad!
Bottom-right: heading out on the quad

September 2015 Newsletter

When we started our missionary journey in 1999 I remember asking God, “Are you sure Lord? There’s so many people better qualified than us! What can you do with the likes of us?” Despite our obvious imperfections and shortcomings, He did not disqualify us but instead made us into a vessel He could use. He removed all traces of self-will and slowly transformed us. As I ponder this thought I am mostly amused because I know this has been a flesh battle every day to ‘die to self’. Instead of His cup running over I have lamented to have the cup taken away on many occasions!! I remember a fellow missionary telling me, “A missionary’s life is not their own, it belongs to God.” And this truth is helping us more than ever as we face great loss to our family and long stretches away from each other.

Sabet with his Mum
Sabet with his Mum

But, let me return to ‘present day’. Sabet is in Africa tending to his mother’s needs as she spends her last days on this earth. There is much to do to care for her; the cancer in her esophagus has spread to her lymph nodes and lungs. She knows her Savior and we are so grateful for His mercy and peace. In South Sudan, she cares for 14 grandchildren, and so there are plans to make so she can have peace about their future without ‘Hububba’. Pray for Sabet as he leads his dad, uncle, two brothers, two sister, nieces and nephews through this difficult time.

Mosquito Mania!

Malaria season is upon us and that means overwhelming numbers of mothers and babies attending our clinic.

Women and Children at IDAT Clinic
Women and Children at IDAT Clinic

This photo taken in August of the medical clinic with mother’s waiting outside after their babies have seen the doctor, is an all too familiar sight. As an ‘outpatient’ facility with limited beds, we can only admit a few serious cases per day. The remaining patients wait it out on the ‘porch’ under the watchful eyes of our Community Health Workers. They begin treatment as we monitor their condition and try to reduce the high fevers and prevent convulsions. As I recall from my previous years of serving, I can remember the fear the mum’s have, and the peace I would have and share with them that Jesus is in control. Just having one person desire that peace was the highlight of my day. Malaria has devastating effects on under five year olds, it is running rampant through our villages and accounting for 85% of the cases in our clinic.

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” – Romans 15:13

  • Pray for God’s Will to be done for Mama Sabet and her family.
  • Pray for Sabet as he ministers to his family.
  • Pray for peace for South Sudan.
  • Pray for Agum’s citizenship.

The story of STS in Malony

Simply the Story (STS) continues to be a powerful evangelism tool for the IDAT pastors who go from village to village holding two day workshops and teaching the Bible stories. Recently they held a workshop in the village of Malony. Despite the physical hunger lingering throughout South Sudan, the pastors reported there is also a hunger for God’s word. This is so exciting to us as this village has resisted the gospel in the past. After we planted a church there in 2012 many abandoned their traditional beliefs, stopped going to the witchdoctor and started to follow Christ.

IDAT Church in Maloney
IDAT Church in Malony

Our pastors are very encouraged by what they see happening in this church, the brothers and sisters heart for the Lord, their appreciation for what God has done in their lives and the welcome they gave our pastors. It is evident God’s word is bringing change and transforming lives. God is healing the sick through prayer and bringing peace to this village. Earlier in the year the clan fighting was so bad and brought many casualties upon families. The church responded in prayer and the Lord gave peace to their land. More and more ‘God stories’ are being told and passed around, it is so awesome to witness this fruit after years of preparing the soil, planting and water seeds. Yes!!! God is so faithful.

News From The Field