First Arrival!
Thank you for praying for our truck coming from Kenya and our container coming from Missouri, USA. The one from Kenya arrived safely with a year’s supply of medicine! God’s timing and provision was perfect as our stores were literally bare and we were contemplating having to send patients away. Thankfully that didn’t happen and we are now fully stocked with malaria tests and treatment before the busy rainy season sets in.

These trucks are literally our lifeline and at the time of writing this, our container from the USA had made it to South Sudan and was in Juba. It should be arriving in Tonj in the next few days. This container is carrying supplementary food for our team for one year, refrigeration, solar equipment, and all the ‘surplus’ things our family acquired while stateside. The kids are excited to get their ‘stuff’ after six months. I made them pack nearly all their belongings in the container so it will feel a bit like Christmas! A HUGE thank you to everyone who helped purchase items from our Amazon ‘wish list’ before our departure. We can’t wait to send an update out of all the treats we are enjoying. We have amazingly generous supporters who extended their giving to include some essential items for the Macleod family and their baby.
Baby Macleod Arrival!
Thank you so much for covering Jono and Destinee in prayer over the last few months. Their ‘high risk’ pregnancy caused an unexpected and sudden change of plans to go to New Zealand for the birth. We are happy to say the newest member of the IDAT team arrived safely on May 8th!

We are all so excited at the birth of their third daughter, Shiloh (peace in Hebrew) Athiei (grace in Dinka) Macleod (‘epic awesomeness’ in Scottish) and we can’t wait to meet her in June! That’s right, Lord willing, they are planning to head back to South Sudan when the baby is a month old.
Another Arrival!
Another timely arrival and answer to prayer is our new vehicle. Thank you! We exceeded our goal and in just 2 weeks raised $30,627 to purchase this critically needed car. We know this vehicle will provide safety for our team, the ability to continue with CHE and medical outreaches in remote villages, enable us to purchase essential supplies from Wau (70 miles on dirt roads) and most importantly be used to serve the Lord and further the Kingdom of God in South Sudan. We are so grateful and cannot thank you enough for supporting this urgent need.

Heavenly Arrival!
Santino Mayen was the chief of the village of Bobi, one of our CHE villages. He was also a brother in the Lord. During the recent tribal fighting between Luos and Dinkas his village was attacked and he was shot and killed. This has been a devastating loss for the community but we are all thankful he knew Jesus as his Savior.
“Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.” – Psalm 116:15

On a CHE visit to Bobi in February, this picture was taken of Santino praying and laying hands on one his villagers. Please continue to pray for Bobi, Santino’s wife Angelina, and the many people whose homes were looted in Bobi during that fighting. So many people lost their food supply. Over the next few weeks we will attempt to go there and assist them.