1st Playdate today!

Hannah & Jed with friends

Well we are still struggling with no power and limited internet.  Amazing how slower paced life is here and how we seem to have more hours in the day!  Hannah had to start up again with home-school after taking a week off while we were traveling.  She did great and at lunchtime we took off for our first social gathering with missionary friends who serve in Kenya.  It was a baby shower at one of my favorite spots, Amani Ya Juu.  The kids played with old and new friends while us girls lunched and caught up.  I’ve missed this laid back pace.  We got home right before the crazy traffic started.  Sabet had to drive right through it though to buy us an internet modem that hopefully will work here in Kenya and Sudan!  Things have changed since I was here last and we are testing it tonight.  It’s frustratingly slow but at least I can send and receive emails!



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