
Today we had about 25 people for our first church service in our compound since returning to Tonj.  Sabet did an excellent job teaching from the book of Ephesians.  A group from World Vision joined us and led us in worship with their keyboard.  We will attempt to translate a couple of songs into Dinka this week and learn them ready for next Sunday.  Beth should have arrived home by now…thanks for praying for her safe travel, we miss her!

Snakes & Scorpions


Well this last week we have encountered both. The scorpion was cool as we got to test our UV flashlight to see if the scorpion would glow in the dark and it did!! But yesterday I had a close encounter with a snake that was a sure remainder the Lord is watching over us. I carried Jed to his bed and went outside to get the light when I turned around a snake was in the doorway. Had I been carrying Jed I for sure would not have seen it and stepped on it. It was only seconds after I passed through the door. I jumped on a nearby chair and yelled for help (Sabet is still in Kenya). The snake was between me and the kids! I thought I had it in my flashlight but when the guys arrived it was gone!! Of course I couldn’t sleep after that.



                                                                     a dead baby snake 


Sabet went to Nairobi!

Sabet left yesterday to go to Nairobi and take care of a problem that required his immediate attention. Please pray for wisdom for him and safety for us as we remain in Sudan without him.  The weather here has been so pleasant, no rain, not too hot and a cool breeze.  I’m busy schooling Hannah in the mornings and working on administration, while Jed plays with his friends.  We have taken over 2 rooms that were built for our teams.  One we are all sleeping in and the other has become our school/office/lounge!  Today we managed to block the pigeons that were nesting and pooping everywhere. 

Ladies Bible Study!

Today was really nice.  We started a women’s bible study in the church and I taught on “The Call to Prayer”.  After the teaching we had a time of praying for the women and it was very special.  A few tears were flowing and I really felt I connected with them. 

1st Week in Sudan!

What a crazy few days we’ve had.  We left Nairobi early on Tuesday, where 9 of us flew into Tonj.  Sabet and Jim Ennis were waiting for us at the airstrip.  It was a weird feeling arriving after being gone for 2 years.  In some ways it seems like yesterday that I was here and in other ways it feels like eternity.  Definitely my greatest moment so far was meeting Sabet’s Mum and Dad for the first time, especially his Mum, who moved from the capital Khartoum to Tonj since I was here last. 

  While the Gamboa family was with us we focused on the shoe distribution that the kids at their school raised money to do.  It was a special time on Wednesday giving shoes out to kids in a remote village.  And later we went to one of the lepers colonies where I saw some old friends and even a deaf boy that I hadn’t seen in years.  He’s now taller than me!  He used to come and do odd jobs for us and we would feed him and take care of him.  His mother is one of the lepers and had trouble cooking etc.  Now he’s a young man.  

After the Gamboa’s left we moved out of the bedroom our family uses as the grass roof is failing and is full of rats that kept me awake at night.  We’re now in two small rooms and trying to get organized with school.  We’ve been eating fresh Papaya from our trees everyday and enjoying a slower paced life.  Even the new cell phone service has had no connection for the past 2 days.  Yesterday we woke to Jed having a few itchy spots and by the end of the day he was covered and has chickenpox!  Hannah is still struggling with her cough also.  Both the kids are enjoying having their cousins to play with.








News From The Field