All posts by Tyler Paulson

Dangers Lurking…Please Pray!

Written by Suzy Kuj

We come to you and ask for prayer as we have been facing some difficult situations:

Pray for Afforey, he is a Ugandan truck driver that was shot just 40 km from Tonj on the road to Rumbek. The bullet entered his thigh and came out through his tailbone. Thankfully the bullet passed through but we do not know if there has been lasting damage to his spine. He is in a foreign country and alone. We know the Lord brought him to our clinic for love and care and we are planning to medevac him later this week. He is the second Ugandan shot this week and brought to us for treatment.

Due to the road insecurity, Sabet was also stuck in Rumbek last week collecting a visitor. MAF were able to divert an airplane and take them back to Tonj. Now our visitor is with us for 12 days and Lord willing we can fly her out of South Sudan without traveling on the Rumbek road. Please pray for that.

Last night while we were sleeping someone cut through our fence and started to lift the screen from the bathroom window of our house (which only has 2 other rooms). Theft has become a big problem in Tonj and the thief truly was taking a risk breaking into our home knowing we are sleeping there. Thankfully he did not choose the children’s bedroom and as far as we can tell he did not succeed to get into the house. I actually get up once in the night for the loo but last night I got up three times!! We think I may have disturbed him as we found a metal rod on the ground outside and after my last loo visit I stayed up to do some bookkeeping and it was around 4 am. We are so thankful for God’s protection as he has revealed these problems to us so we can be more guarded. He has also revealed several snakes around the compound and scorpions in the house/kids bedroom.

Feeling the need to ask for prayer covering for our safety and protection.

Please Pray

Written by Sabet & Suzy Kuj

Our team here in Tonj wish to thank you for your prayers for us with Ayak passing away last Friday. The memorial was a special time of sharing and praying with her family and neighbors.

We have had an incredible month with lots of visitors. We have a few prayer needs for the coming week:

  • Today we start our cataract surgery outreach. Pray for the patients, doctors and staff as they prepare and start to do the surgeries. We are not in a location where we can get things easily so our prayer is for everything to be in place and run smoothly and that many people would come for surgery and have their lives transformed both physically and spiritually.
  • We are completing our 3rd Community Health Evangelism (CHE) training this week. Pray for those that have participated to apply the truths they have learnt and impact the lives of those around them with these principles in the villages they serve.
  • We have hosted back to back teams this entire month and it has been an incredible blessing and encouragement to the staff, community and patients. We are normally 12 people living on the compound but this last month we have accommodated between 15-35 people every day, which has been quite a lot of work without rest in between. It is our joy to host and have people come and serve our Lord in this remote place so we are NOT complaining. Just need prayer for stamina and strength for those cooking, moving beds around, making beds and doing laundry. We are now on our last team and we are tired. Pray we would not grow weary but finish strong!

Cattle Camp

We’ve been blessed to have a team from Eastgate Christian Fellowship in Panama City, FL serving with us in Tonj for the last week.

Take a look at the sketch Pastor Rob made after their visit to a local cattle camp.

Cattle Camp
The Cattle Camp (click to enlarge)

Ayak Passed Into Eternal Glory

Written by Suzy Kuj

Sweet precious 14 year old Ayak has been a part of our daily lives for the past 4 months. She’s the young girl we medevac’d to Tenwek Mission Hospital back in July with a tumor on her forearm. After amputation we discovered the cancer had metastasized and her prognosis was bleak. Sabet had an opportunity to share with her about Jesus Christ dying for her sin and she prayed with Sabet to receive the Lord Jesus as her personal Savior. That gave us great comfort as we pursued further treatment for her but doors kept closing as she got weaker and sicker. Her family chose for us to return her home to South Sudan in September where her condition deteriorated quickly and she became an inpatient at our clinic needing full-time medical assistance. The last few weeks have been agonizing to watch as she has found little comfort and relief from the pain. The Lord has been so sweet to each one of us, bringing encouragement to us as a staff and to Ayak through many visitors this past month. Each visitor has been touched by this young girl and her story. Her own family has not been around very much and she was spending a lot of time alone. It’s hard to see someone suffering and our prayer was for complete healing or the Lord to have mercy and to take Ayak to Him quickly. Listening to her cries ring through the compound every time she was moved was so difficult to hear and yet the Lord asks us to bear with one another’s burdens.

The Kuj Family Praying for AyakAs we waited on the Lord’s will we felt an urgency to get her out of the gloomy crowded observation room that had become home to her. Yesterday we choose to have a bedside vigil throughout the day so she would not be alone and to help her. Each staff took one hour to be with Ayak, praying and talking and encouraging her. Today we managed to get her into a wheelchair and I offered to sit with her while I homeschooled Hannah in the garden. We drank ice tea and I rubbed lavender lotion on her body. Even though she had hardly spoken in days she told Awad she liked being outside. It really was a beautiful day, shady under the Neem tree, birds singing, cool breeze rustling the branches. While Awad and I were tending to her she transitioned from being fidgety and uncomfortable to being peaceful and sleepy. Five women relatives (never happened before) stopped by to greet her. They saw Ayak asleep and after 10 minutes asked to leave and come back later. I felt an urgency to pray with them before they left and asked Awad to translate the prayer. The prayer in my heart was for them to understand our Lord’s mercy and love. Ayak’s body was failing but her spirit was healthy and needed to move on. When we finished praying some were weeping, all thanked me and left. I positioned a small fan on Ayak’s lap to help keep her cool and sat watching her sleep peacefully. Just a few minutes later she slipped into the arms of her Lord and Savior. Though she is absent from her body we are confident she is present with the Lord, no tears, pain or cancer.

Our prayer is for her family to have that same peace. Also for Hannah who was with me today, was so touched by Ayak’s life and was with me when she passed away. Hannah has seen many tragedy’s while we have been in South Sudan over the years. She has a sensitive heart and this is one more encounter. She showed great maturity as she thanked the Lord for His mercy and grace but I know this has really effected her. Pray for our staff that have served Ayak around the clock, everyone is feeling the loss. She was part of our daily lives for so long.

Thank you to all who prayed and gave their time and money to help her. What we gave Ayak was the love of Jesus and that’s the very reason we are here.

October 2012 Newsletter

Graduating Pastors and the LoseesPastor’s Graduation!

On October 6th, we celebrated the day we have eagerly anticipated for the past three years. With over 500 celebrants in attendance including officials from local, county and state government, our pastors graduated. We were honored by the Deputy Governor of Warrap State to have as the key note speaker. The graduation marked the culmination of three years of intensive bible training. Attired in festive marron gowns, these 12 disciples of Jesus Christ, received diplomas and special gifts from the visiting dignitaries. The name of Jesus was clearly proclaimed throughout the two hour program. The event included worship led by the Don Bosco band and the IDAT choir. Greetings and words of encouragement were given by various government and church leaders. We concluded the day hosting a dinner for the pastors, officials and members of the community.

“All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations.” – Matt 28:18-19

Board Visit to Tonj!

We were blessed to have two of our Board members visit Tonj to join us for the pastors’ graduation. Ted Miyake, Jim Ennis and his wife Dena were used of the Lord to encourage the staff and community during their ten day stay at the IDAT compound. God used this time to connect names and faces throughout the entire IDAT organization. The time together was a beautiful picture of the Body of Christ functioning as one for the glory of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

“From whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love.” – Eph 4:16

Suzy & Hannah at Prayer Walk

Prayer Walk San Diego!

Our annual prayer walk was held Saturday September 22nd at Horizon Christian Fellowship. This year Suzy and Hannah were able to come to the United States to participate. God has continued to extend His hand of blessing as the ministry expands the level of vital services given to the community. Our basic monthly operating budget has increased to $25,000 to cover the operation of the clinic and the compound, support for the Kuj family and our U.S. stateside support. We now employee over 50 local staff in support of our 24/7 clinic operations. Our five acre compound has become a magnet to the community and surrounding territories as we show the love of Christ in serving the Lord.

Leadership Development!

While visiting Tonj for the pastors’ graduation, our Board recognized the godly potential of certain members of our staff. Lack of development and leadership training is a tremendous area of need in South Sudan and Tonj. The Board has recommended that we increase our level of funding to ensure that we have an adequate budget for the development of tomorrow’s leaders. Our recognition of these candidates is based on evidence of a clear calling and commitment to serve the Lord Jesus.

Prayer Requests!

  • For the Kuj family as they host teams coming to Tonj through Christmas.
  • For the Lord’s blessing on the graduated pastors as they go to serve their flock.
  • For God’s comfort for Ayok, a young girl suffering from bone cancer.