Please Pray

Written by Sabet & Suzy Kuj

Our team here in Tonj wish to thank you for your prayers for us with Ayak passing away last Friday. The memorial was a special time of sharing and praying with her family and neighbors.

We have had an incredible month with lots of visitors. We have a few prayer needs for the coming week:

  • Today we start our cataract surgery outreach. Pray for the patients, doctors and staff as they prepare and start to do the surgeries. We are not in a location where we can get things easily so our prayer is for everything to be in place and run smoothly and that many people would come for surgery and have their lives transformed both physically and spiritually.
  • We are completing our 3rd Community Health Evangelism (CHE) training this week. Pray for those that have participated to apply the truths they have learnt and impact the lives of those around them with these principles in the villages they serve.
  • We have hosted back to back teams this entire month and it has been an incredible blessing and encouragement to the staff, community and patients. We are normally 12 people living on the compound but this last month we have accommodated between 15-35 people every day, which has been quite a lot of work without rest in between. It is our joy to host and have people come and serve our Lord in this remote place so we are NOT complaining. Just need prayer for stamina and strength for those cooking, moving beds around, making beds and doing laundry. We are now on our last team and we are tired. Pray we would not grow weary but finish strong!

2 thoughts on “Please Pray”

  1. Hi Kuj Family,
    We are praying and we so appreciate the work the Lord is doing through your family and staff. “LORD” please provide the strength and protection for this precious family. We love them all.” Love Kathy Wood

  2. Hey deahs, praying for you…will download new skype and talk shortly…love & prayers and hugs as always! xoxo

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