All posts by Suzy Kuj

Gabriel’s Graduation

We are praising God for the opportunity He provided for Gabriel to go to medical school in Kenya. Against the odds, Gabriel was accepted at the Presbyterian University of East Africa three years ago and excelled in his class as an ‘A’ student, studying clinical medicine, surgery and community health.

Gabriel with fellow IDAT medical students.
Gabriel with fellow IDAT medical students.

Today, Sabet and I were able to celebrate this momentous occasion of having Gabriel graduate as a clinical officer (physician’s assistant). We are thrilled to have him return to Tonj as an intern for In Deed and Truth Ministries and serve the Lord under the guidance of Dr. Jono Macleod. Thank you for praying for him.

Gabriel Taking His Oath


Arrival in Kenya

Thank you for your prayers. Our family arrived safely in Nairobi, Kenya. We fly into South Sudan on December 15th. The next 10 days will be filled with purchasing supplies, preparing our charter to fly to Tonj and adjusting to the 9 hour time change!

Family and friends send us off from Florida to Africa


How does a 3 year old boy only weigh 13 lbs (6kg)? This is Mabior, he came to our clinic weighing only 6kg because of chronic diarrhea and not enough food at home. He stayed 5 days until his diarrhea had finished and he started putting on weight. Our clinic will do follow up visits weekly until his weight is OK. His mother’s a Christian and prays for Mabior.  The past few months people have really struggled for food while they wait for their crops to grow. Our clinic is committed to helping these precious children.


Sick Babies

This is the time of year when our clinic is seeing record number of patients. Infant mortality is still one of the highest in the world. Although we appear small in size, do not be deceived…. our little clinic in Tonj is being used by God in BiG ways!!  He is taking our ‘loaves and fishes’ and multiplying it to provide medial care to thousands of vulnerable women and children every month. We never know how we will get there but somehow we always do. This week alone critical medicine arrived the day we ran out!!

These children were fighting for their lives and hanging on by a breath and through prayer and treatment they made miraculous recoveries but even better, their families turned their hearts towards God.

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I NEED A CUP OF WATER by Simon Kirui, CO

AcholThis is Achol Bak she comes from Tonj East, she was in coma for three straight days and having convulsions five times a day. It was very sad for me, because on the 2nd day of coma I found her mother and some other relatives crying outside the clinic.  Later her grandmother told me that she wanted me to allow them take the child for burial. Back in the village they have seen people going to that state and not coming back to life. I told her that by God all things are possible.  One of our clinic chaplains, Pastor Santino, continued to visit and encourage them.

Achol was seriously in need of prayer and our team prayed for her last week asking God to intervene. The day after we prayed I went for ward rounds and her mother told me that Achol  woke up at midnight and asked for a cup of water. We praise God for this breakthrough and testimony that He heals for the glory and honor of His name.

Since Thursday, Achol was able to sit while supported, then gradually improved and could sit by Santinoherself and now she is finally walking. Achol’s father is a soldier and had to leave three years ago. With no one to grow food in the home we decided to buy seeds for the family because this is the season for cultivation. Pastor Santino kindly delivered the seeds on our behalf. Please continue to pray for Achol. The family were eager to know our God who answers prayer!