‘CHE‘ Community Health Evangelism Expansion!
Last week we had several days of CHE leaders training and planning for the next six months. It was exciting hearing testimonies such as Pastor Joseph baptizing two more witchdoctors on Sunday, and six more villages in Maloney begging Pastor Santino to bring them the gospel! Our team had a goal of reaching 20 villages with the gospel through CHE by the end of the year, but the harvest is ripe, the Holy Spirit is moving, and our team are passionate – so we are now praying and believing for 25 villages by the end of the year! Would you join us in praying for that? We currently have 19 villages with 18 villages on the waiting list.

Malaria Season!
From May to November every year we have our rainy season, but the more accurate name would be the ‘malaria season’. With the blessing of rain comes this deadly disease of malaria. In our region of Tonj the common parasite P. falciparum causes malaria in humans with devastating effects on children under five years of age. This parasite is the leading cause of death from malaria in the world. More than 200 million people a year get malaria and half a million die, with 94% of these deaths coming from this particular parasite in Africa and infants accounting for 67% of those deaths. As we enter malaria season, we are rapidly seeing an increase in patient numbers. However, the team on the ward are also managing increasingly complex patients. Some children arrive incredibly unwell, and with other severe infections, like Adit pictured here, suffering from TB and pneumonia, which then leads on to complications such as severe acute malnutrition and dehydration.

The time and resources required to manage these children are immense – how grateful we are to have solar power, oxygen concentrators, therapeutic milk, and passionate hard-working staff. Without a doubt these children would not live were it not for our generous partners and the care provided by the team at IDAT. Please continue to pray for the mothers, children, and babies in the ward. Pray that we can continue to demonstrate God’s love to these families, that they will hear the gospel and be transformed by it!
Facing Fears!
In Tonj there is no blood bank. When a patient needs an urgent transfusion, we need a donor (or two or three) right then and there. We have come to realize that donating blood is a culturally difficult thing to do in South Sudan, even for a family member, which makes us so proud of our staff when they overcome their fears to save the life of someone they have never met.

This is Mary, a midwife assistant who was working night shift when one of her patients needed an urgent transfusion. These are the twins that were born to the mother who received her blood. We are praising God for Mary and that all three, mother and babies, are now healthy and well.

The fear of last year’s food shortage is real as many families already face hardships this year. IDAT is ready with food and seeds in stores and in May we did our first food distribution.
“For I, the LORD your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, “Fear not, I am the one who helps you.” Isaiah 41:13
We were able to feed and supply seeds to over 500 families who lost their homes and gardens in last year’s tribal clashes. Many of these families are still living as IDP’s (internally displaced people).

We will continue to support this need throughout the summer. If you would like to partner with us to provide food to these displaced families, please donate through our website or send a check to the address below and designate your donation to ‘benevolence fund’.