CHE Update

Written by Whitney Smith

Athunta Farming God's way
Athunta Farming God’s way

So we just completed our fourth and final training for this group of trainers! It’s so exciting to see their motivation and hard work now almost a year after they attended the first training. The trainer teams have all started committees in their communities, and most of them hope to finish training those committees by April, which is when the real fun starts!

During our training we discussed leadership skills and responsibilities, biblical roles of men and women, and Farming God’s Way! Though the afternoons were hot, most of us managed to stay awake through each lesson. We also gave each training team some time to share how things were going in their communities. Everyone was really moved by what Pastor David of Lurchuk shared. He and Athunta (pictured above) went to visit a woman in their community who had just given birth to twins. They took some clothes they bought, some food, and also prepared a CHE lesson about infant nutrition and feeding to share with this young mother. During their visit they were not only sharing with her words about God’s love, but they were demonstrating it with their lives. The woman was so touched that she wanted to know more about God and decided to give her life to Christ! She started attending the church where David pastors. Not long after, however, one of the twins died. In the midst of this tragedy, the woman now had a church family that loved her and took care of her during this time, grieving with her. And then, just a few weeks ago, the woman was baptized.

What a powerful testimony of the faithfulness of these two trainers not just to share the word of God and give health teachings, but to come along side someone and really be the body of Christ to that person. And there were many testimonies of how each team is working to seek that transformation in their own lives and the lives of others.

One trainer, Pastor Joseph, shared with me today that what he really likes about CHE is how it helps people grow closer to God. And that’s the point of the Kingdom of God, God’s glory and our good.