Update on Hannah

We have had such an amazing outpouring of love on our family in the last 24 hours through encouragement and prayer. What a joy to know so many are standing in the gap and praying for our sweet princess Hannah.

She continues to have temperature fluctuations which is common in malaria. When her fever is high, she’s really not doing well, but when it is low she’s just taking it easy. Yesterday she hardly ate and the little she had eaten was vomited.  Praise the Lord though, she did not vomit the malaria medication and despite not having any food, she seems stronger today and has managed to keep down some small food. She also has water diarrhea, which is common also with malaria and can quickly dehydrate you, so we are monitoring her fluid intake carefully.

Tonight, as I am sending this, she has requested to get out of bed and come to dinner. We are so thankful for these small signs of improvement. MAF offered to send a flight to divert today but we really felt a peace about waiting it out here even though we are in the middle of nowhere in the bush of Sudan. She is not quite 48 hours on the medication and once we pass that mark we should start to see some significant improvements. It has not helped to have such hot weather, it was easily over 120 F today, one of our hottest.