The Pastors Are Back!

We have just finished our first week of the fourth term of the Pastors Training School here on the IDAT compound. The pastors came with excitement and we were blessed to be here to teach them. The school did not start on Monday as scheduled due to the fact that our vehicle that went to pick them was on the road for two days because of getting stuck in the mud. But on Wednesday we opened the school with almost all the pastors present. This term we will be studying the books of the 12 Minor Prophets in our Old Testament Survey Class and continuing with the Foundation Bible Course in the other class.

Thanks to the generous donations of God’s people in the States, we were able to provide ox ploughs so that the pastors could get their cultivation done in time to be here for the pastors training on May 10th. Without these ox ploughs they have had to plow the ground by hand hoes and it was time consuming for them and very hard labor. So they are really blessed to have them.

Please continue to pray for the pastors as they dedicate this time to studying the Word of God so that they are better equipped to minister to their people and go out and preach the Gospel.
—Joe and Nancy Losee