Matoch after Surgery

Thank You for Caring for Matoch


March 05, 2010




I also spoke to Sabet today, he asked for prayer for security, the east side of Tonj has also broken out in fighting between the army and civilians.  Over 20 people have been killed and the area is intense with retaliation against the army likely.  This happened over the last 2 days and people fear it is going to spill into Tonj town.  A village on the south side of Tonj completely abandoned their homes and moved to the town to avoid being hit by the cattle raiders.  Pray for our pastors, who finished term 3 of school today and five of them can’t return to their villages.

It has been less than one week since Matoch was shot in the face and so much has happened in such a short time period.  Thank you for praying for Matoch’s surgery on Wednesday.  The doctor said the surgery went really well and there was a chance only one surgery is necessary.  He may need a skin graft and this will  be confirmed in a few days.  They were able to close the wound with his existing tissue and skin, which was really a miracle.  Either way, he should be good to go home within 3 weeks.  We are so thankful for the good care he is receiving at Kijabe Mission Hospital. The doctors work so hard to provide low cost, quality treatment for needy patients.  We have been so encouraged and blessed by everyones emails and prayers.


If you are led to assist with the expenses of Matoch’s surgery and recovery please click here to give online or mail a donation to our support address below. Many thanks to everyone who has prayed and donated so far.
We praise the Lord for you standng with us in prayer. 


Love in Him,
