Mike’s Blog!

Well it’s Thursday and everyone is still alive and no one has gotten sick or was carried off by any animals or bugs.  We do have to deal with the plague of frogs, lots of them, which doesn’t bother Tim or myself but all the girls have us on frog watch.

Today started with Suzy’s great devo on trusting in God.  Tim started the day by doing devo with the pastors.  They are going through Exodus then helping with various projects around the compound it was my turn to teach in 2nd Samuel and help out with projects after noon.  The girls worked in the medical clinic i think they fit right in.  Amy and Suzy had a dork out session with all the bookkeeping it lasted until 8pm and they loved it!  Around noon it started to rain, there was lighting and thunder and it cooled off the day so we were very happy.  Around 4:30pm we left for an outreach in one of the villages but no one was there because of the rain so we went to the near by lepers colony. 

So that is it for now, I know it’s short but to be true to my nature I, keep-it short and sweet.

Please pray for the town it seems that we re having a bad case of malaria and we had to order more meds to fly in on the plane that picks us up.
I am out!