Praise Report

JosephAn adult patient was brought to our clinic on 31st January 2012. His history was that he had conversion the previous night and he could not walk and talk. Joseph Madit (50 years old) was diagnosed of infection of the brain and stroke. On his right side of the body he had a paralysis. The next day (1st February) the patient regained strength but he had a slurred speech. There was improvement of fingers and toes because they could move. Our doctors Dennis, Stick and Tom prayed for him and continued giving him treatments. On 2nd February Joseph could lift his hand even to greet people. The following day his strength was full and he could walk but his speech was still slurred. By that time the doctors tried to figure out what caused stroke, because his heart and blood pressure was okay. They all agreed to discharge him the next day but on treatment.

They advised him to come back today for checkup. During his time of discharge he could walk and also communicate but you have to repeat over and over again. Our doctors were very happy with his recovery. Today I went to see him and we prayed together with Dr. Dennis and he was talking and he understands what you tell him. The doctors will be reviewing him every week.

“With man this is impossible but with God all things are possible” – Matthew 19:26

May his name be glorified. Amen.


Bible School

The year started well and our Bible School Pastors Training opened on 23rd January. Our Bible School teachers Joe and Nancy Losee arrived on 20th January and we thank God for the safe flight and for protecting them this far. Some of our Pastors came on 21st January and you could see joy in them as they are happy to begin this semester’s training.

We have thirteen Pastors in our Bible school. Eleven of our Pastors have returned to class as of 27th January. One Pastor is at home sick and we were told the other Pastor was ‘on the way coming’.

The teachers are finding it a blessing and fun to be back to teach the Pastors again this semester. They have already had some lively discussions during class time as they finished the 5th Manual on Bible Doctrine and even now as they are working through the 7th Manual of the BTCP curriculum.

Please pray for Joe and Nancy…that they will have good health and for their safety while here in S Sudan…that they would have the grace needed while here and the anointing of the Holy Spirit for teaching these precious pastors who desire so much to be taught the Word of God.  Please pray for the pastors and their families whom they have left back in their villages while they are here at the Bible Training Center for the next three months…for grace for the pastors while here and for their families to have the Lord’s protection from the constant cattle raids; for their families to stay healthy and for the Lord to provide for all their needs.

We also again thank each of you who continue to support this ministry with your finances and prayers. Together we will see much fruit harvested as we labor in HIS Kingdom and together we will share in HIS reward when He returns.

“In him we were also chosen,having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will, in order that we who were the first to hope in Christ, might be for the praise of his glory.” – Ephesians 1:11-12.

Sunday School

Teaching Sunday is seen as a hard task especially here in Sudan because you must have a translator.   Here we have a very committed and God fearing young man called Donato Ng’oang. He translates for us every single Sunday, by doing this he is able to learn more about the Bible Stories .You must have a heart for the kids and also a burden. We usually have more boys than girls in the class.

Sunday School

Here women are denied their rights, a girls education is not as valued as the boys. Here in Southern Sudan they pay certain amount of cows for dowry. Something interesting I learned 2 days ago is that the more educated a girl is, her chances of getting a husband is lessened as well has how many cows will be paid for her dowry to her parents.  That is a good reason for them not to educate a girl. They believe the more educated they are the more they will argue with their husbands and also they make decisions instead of their husbands.

I have found it a blessing teaching these children with love and joy. It really blesses my heart to see how they need to know more about God. Every week we usually have 60-80 children. They are good listeners and learning more about God each week. Those who are able to answer questions we give them presents and this encourages them to have courage to raise their hands and answer questions about the Bible Story.

Children are so important in our Community and we should appreciate them always and not value one more than the other. Jesus shows a good example to us when people brought the little children to him, His disciples tried to hinder them but Jesus said to them;

“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” – Mark 10:14

God bless you.

(by Esther who is teaching the Sunday School children and helping in the compound)

1st Surgery in Tonj!

Getting Ready for SurgeryIt was on a Monday evening when Kiir Mayen (7 years) was brought to our clinic by his parents. The boy had two Hernias in both sides. The boy had to spent the night in the clinic so as to prepare him for surgery the following day. This is because he had to fast for at least six hours for the surgery to be performed. Albino our compound manager together with our medical staffs went and prayed together with the boy and his parents.

On Tuesday at around 10.00 a.m the medical staffs together with the Surgeon Dr. Stick went to the hospital and started preparing for the surgery. They called the boy’s parents who were already there prayed with them and then they signed the consent form.

There was a team of 7: the Surgeon Dr Stick, our Nurse Margaret and Dennis the Clinical Officer and Albino compound Manager. The rest were Sudanese staffs one of them being from the Government Hospital. They all joined hands together before surgery and prayed.

The Surgery kicked off at around 11:30 a.m and took four and a half hours and it was successful. After the surgery the boy was taken outside and you could see the joy from the family. Albino prayed for them again.

During SurgeryThe Surgeon said he got supported and said it was a joy to work with the team. The boy was brought back to our clinic and after an hour he was awake. Today in the Morning I went to see him and and he is doing much better. The mother(Abak Akuar) said that she is glad that her son is getting better. I ask her if she knows Jesus of which she replied she doesn’t know anything about God. I encouraged her, shared shortly about God. She accepted Jesus as her personal savior and told me she is Going to share with her husband finally I prayed for them. Lets continue to pray for healing for this boy, and for Abak who gave her life to Jesus and also for her husband to accept Christ.

Thank you all for your continued support and for praying for this community.

“The King will reply, I tell you the truth whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me” – Matthew 25:40

January 2012 Newsletter

A New Year, A Fresh Vision!

Welcome to 2012! This past year was full of good times. It was also full of hard times. We learnt a lot about ourselves as a ministry as well as individually. The Lord was faithful to see us through to the end. We have much to be thankful for as we reflect on 2011:

  • A peaceful referendum in January and successful election resulting in the birth of the Republic of South Sudan in July.
  • The completion of the second year of training for our pastors.
  • A partnership with Mango Ministries that has provided us with medical coverage when our staff have needed a break.
  • Simply the Story training with outreaches into the bush.
  • The purchase of an oxygen concentrator for the clinic.
  • The arrival of our ambulance.
  • Hosting Tenwek Mission hospital’s cataract surgery clinic resulting in over 170 people receiving sight.
  • Individual prayer offered to every patient resulting in more than 500 a month receiving Jesus as their personal Savior.
  • Providing critical medical care free of charge to more than 35,000 people.
  • Bringing a full-time chaplain for the clinic to minister to patients.
  • Partnering with Michezo Afrika to bring Sport’s ministry to the youth through soccer tournaments and leadership training.
  • Sending three individuals to Uganda for Community Health Evangelism (CHE pronounced chāy) training.
  • New church plant in the village of Gwairai.
  • Weekly medical outreach to the village of Maloney.
  • Church growth in Tonj resulting in the need for a new location.
  • Partnering with AID Sudan to bring a radio tower to Sudan.
  • Three successful prayer walk fundraisers to bring awareness, prayer and donations to cover future ministry operations.

We now plow ahead and prepare for the new and we are looking forward to an exciting, fresh, stimulating year doing things from a new and refreshing angle whilst seeking to glorify God.

“And the LORD answered me, and said, ‘Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.'” – Habakkuk 2:2

Our focus for 2012 is to build up the CHE ministry and it begins with the development of training teams through “Training of Trainer” workshops. Prayerfully, In Deed and Truth Ministries can become a host for these workshops in Sudan. The CHE’s are trained in physical and spiritual topics to help their neighbors identify problems, find solutions and implement strategies.

Kuj Family Christmas

Kuj Family ChirstmasWe (Sabet and Suzy) chose to spend Christmas in Kenya this year to give our family some 1181much needed ‘down time’. This was our first Christmas away from Tonj in three years, which was hard for us to do as we love spending Christmas in Sudan also. But family needs had to come first and with so much time apart this last 6 months we knew we needed to reconnect and spend time away from our compound and work. As it was a last minute decision, we were blessed by Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) who diverted a charter airplane to collect our family from Tonj. Africa Inland Mission (AIM) were also kind to offer us a four bedroom furnished home used for their own missionaries in transition. This has been an amazing blessing for our children especially. We’ve had a wonderful time of fellowship with friends, our church family here and have been able to join in all the Christmas church activities. Attending the candlelight carol concert with a picnic was very fun! But being able to go to church Christmas Eve and Day was awesome. We baked cookies for MAF and AIM and thanked them for their sacrificial service to missionaries like us living in the bush. Without these support services we could not survive each day in Sudan. Christmas Day was a joy to entertain 12 people by hosting a dinner for missionary friends also working in Sudan. December 30th we celebrated Hannah’s 10th Birthday (pictured) by spending a day swimming in a pool. She then had a double party with her old friends (one whom also turned 10). New Year was relaxed with Kenyan friends sipping chai, eating baked potatoes and worshipping the Lord around the bonfire. We are so thankful for this time of refreshment and fellowship. We are so thankful for each one of you for being a blessing and joy in our life.

We wish each and every one of you a glorious, blessed New Year!

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for wisdom and the Lord’s will to prevail as we lead the team into 2012.
  • Pray for the transformation of individuals/villages as we send out CHE trainers.

News From The Field