Operating for Jesus!

Our vision for our medical ministry is that it would Glorify God through healing and transforming lives both physically and spiritually. Lack of medical care continues to be one of the greatest needs in Southern Sudan and our ability to meet those needs definitely leaves us feeling inadequate and overwhelmed. That is why we fully rely on Jesus and His Spirit to do above and beyond what we ask or think is possible. Jesus said he came to give life abundantly and we want those around us to trust in Him for that abundant life that starts with transforming the heart. Everywhere Jesus went He healed and spoke truth and life into people’s lives. Following His command to GO and make disciples, healing and preaching in His name, a group from Tenwek Mission hospital partnered with In Deed and Truth for a 10 day surgery clinic outreach. We enlisted the help of the local government hospital to host the surgeries in their newly overhauled theater which is barely used and lacking in equipment. They provided the space and we provided the rest. Together with Tenwek mission surgeons and medical staff we provided spiritual support to each patient through our pastoral care and provided Community Health care through local IDAT medical staff during and after surgery. The fruit was the completion of 52 successful surgeries and 5 commitments to Jesus Christ, with the gospel being presented and heard by more than 100 people. It is our greatest joy to watch a handful of our graduated pastors serving the ministry and the community. They shared Bible stories every day to the waiting crowds, patients and caretakers. Pastor Joseph always excels in engaging the people in these Bible stories. Hearts were clearly touched and many seeds were sown.
We love Tenwek’s mission statement “We treat, Jesus Heals!” That really was the message behind this outreach which has opened the door for many future medical clinics. Arriving ‘blind’ into the bush is no easy feat for any surgeon even with extensive mission experience so we are hopeful that this trip will prepare Tenwek and our team for future clinics and allow more complicated surgeries to be performed. It was quite a logistical task to gather equipment and drugs together and ensure everything was in place and we are thankful for the Lord’s guidance and wisdom as He guided every step and allowed us to be a part of this life changing event.
Most of the surgeries were for hernia or hydrocele but an emergency caesarean section was needed for one of our ANC patients who labored for 4 days without progressing. Usually in such cases both mother and baby perish even if we are able to transport them to Wau. So it was amazing to share the gift of surgery our Lord Jesus provided for her and to be able to deliver a healthy baby and also to witness her relief as she survived this traumatic labor
“Whatever city you enter, and they receive you, eat such things as are set before you. And heal the sick there, and say to them, ‘The kingdom of God has come near to you.’” – Luke 10:8-9
Prayer Requests!
Sabet recently went back to court in Kwajok to file again for Agum’s adoption. He was given the run around but persevered and completed the case with the judge who has sent his recommendation that we adopt Agum to the Ministry of Child Welfare in Juba. He will go to Juba later this month to see if there is any progress. Our prayer is that the Ministry of Child Welfare would start communicating with the US Embassy in Nairobi as we actually only need a visitor visa for now. The embassy said their hands are tied as the Juba authorities have not responded to them. In the meantime our family is in need of a break to get rest and do some fundraising but for the last 5 years we have not traveled together as a family. This is our greatest prayer need.
Please continue to pray for all our team and staff as they serve the Lord in South Sudan, that they would be filled with His Spirit and walk in His ways.