March 2015 Newsletter

A Story of Healing, Hope and Wholeness!

Mid-February a lady called Awien brought her 5 day old baby Adhel into our clinic. Adhel had developed a fever and stopped breastfeeding shortly after birth, and now had sunken eyes, doughy skin, and was barely breathing – her chances of survival were definitely low. Despite our strongest antibiotics, the next morning the child was even worse – her fontanel was bulging out in a way that Dr. Jono had never seen before, as the infection had spread to her brain (meningitis). Ted Miyake was visiting In Deed and Truth Ministries at the time and wrote, “The doctors here said even in the best hospitals in America, this baby would only be given a 50/50 chance of survival.” Knowing that we had nothing more to give medically, the IDAT team really prayed their hearts out, and “amath, amath” (slowly, slowly) over the next few days, the child became more awake, the fever subsided, and the fontanel swelling reduced. After a week, Adhel was breastfeeding and almost looking like a normal, healthy baby! It truly was a miracle and we’re all praising God for that!

A celebration of Baby Adhel’s recovery

Baby Adhel was released from the clinic after two weeks, so she could “witness” the baptism of her mom, Awien and grandmother, Adhiau!

During their stay, Sabet, the pastoral staff and other clinic worker ministered to this family, prayed with them and shared the good news of Christ’s offer of love and life, which they eagerly accepted. Inspired by the miraculous recovery of Adhel, both of these ladies made commitments to Christ, and without any prompting, asked if they could be baptized.


Pastor Santino and Dr. Jono baptize Adhiau (Grandmother) in the Tonj River

This is the real reason we do what we do and press on through hardships, heat and warfare. Is it a sacrifice? Not when you get to be a part of such eternal transformations; these moments are priceless and none of us would exchange them for anything. This is the fruit of much labor and preparation as one of our own discipled pastors had the honor and privilege of baptizing them in front of a crowd of witnesses.

Crowd before baptism

“Great and marvelous are Your works, LORD God Almighty! Just and true are Your ways, O King of the saints!” – Revelation 15:3

Kuj Family in USA!

It is sometimes hard to believe it is already March, one year later and we are still in America. Sabet returned to Tonj to bless and encourage the team there and work on securing more evidence for Agum’s citizenship case. The rest of the Kuj clan left California in mid-February and returned to Florida to ‘wait it out’ and spend time with Suzy’s mum. We have peace; we are praying for the Lord’s perfect timing, for favor, and we trust Him as we stand firmly on the Rock that is Jesus Christ.

Sabet should return by the end of March, and then he’ll drive from West coast to East coast with our van. Pray he can get all of the necessary papers while in Africa, so we can refile before our end of March deadline.

Prayer Requests!

  • Pray for the team and all those eagerly awaiting our return.
  • Pray our ‘home’ in Tonj is completed and ready for us when we return to South Sudan.
  • Pray for our container that is currently in Mombasa port awaiting release from customs.
  • Pray all exemption papers would be in place as the container moves from Kenya, through Uganda and into South Sudan. Sabet is hoping it arrives before he leaves.

February 2015 Newsletter

Waiting for Agum’s papers!

Recently we received communication regarding Agum’s process where we learnt that the U.S. government is asking for a proof of legal custody from at least 2 years prior to the adoption. We are grateful to be in the U.S., but on the other hand we miss our ministry, team and home in South Sudan. Sabet is in South Sudan now and spending time apart even for a short period of time is hard for a family like ours. God is faithful though. We continue to wait upon His timing and trust that what He has started, He is faithful to bring to completion.


Clinic Patients
Clinic Patients

We rejoice over the fact we have a team that is so gracious towards us. They are continuing with ministry even in our absence. We are receiving good reports from our team — some of the patients at the clinic are getting saved and counseled by Dr. Jono and the team at the clinic. It’s a great and very important point we emphasize — and that is the reason having the clinic in the first place, to harvest those lost souls. We rejoice over that as we are reminded heaven rejoices over one repented soul that come to the Lord. Dr. Jono is very encouraged to see the Lord Jesus healing physically and saving eternally people at the clinic.

James and Gabriel!

James Manyual - Community Health Worker
James Manyual – Community Health Worker

James is one of our community health workers and God’s grace has been so evident in his life. He was sharing with me how the Lord used him to bring his whole famly to the Lord when he went to visit with them over the Christmas break. James shared how the Lord started to burden his heart about his family and their salvation, knowing they worships idols and witch crafts. Knowing they were in dark place, he took Pastor Santino and called everybody to a meeting where pastor Santino shared the message of the gospel. Santino said it was James’ seriousness about the gospel that made them take to his sharing seriously and accept the invitation to accept Jesus and be baptized. James continues to show growth spiritually in our clinic and the church through serving.

Gabriel Gojoh - Medical Student in Kenya
Gabriel Gojoh – Medical Student in Kenya

On my way to Sudan, I was able to meet with Gabriel, one of our students in Kenya. I was encouraged very much talking to him. Now that he has been away from home and work for 2 years he can’t wait to finish and continue serving in the clinic in a new capacity, equipped and trained as a clinical officer.


Peace talks in South Sudan looks hopeful. Another agreement deal was signed just few weeks ago to cease hostilities and by April both parties are supposed to come up with a unity government that will bring both sides to rule the country and hopefully put an end the turmoil this new nation has seen the past year. Please pray that this hopeful initiative will bring a lasting agreement that will hold and a true peace that is much needed will come out of it.

Board member Visit to Tonj!

I am very excited to have Ted Miyake, one of our boards members, visiting Tonj later month. Ted and I will be meeting with our staff and missionaries discussing the vision and strategies for this year. I am confident his visit will encourage our team in Sudan.

“Behold, we consider those blessed who remained steadfast. You have heard of the steadfastness of Job, and you have seen the purpose of the Lord, how the Lord is compassionate and merciful” – James 5:11

Prayer Requests

  • Pray the obtaining of Agum’s legal custody papers prior to adoption
  • Pray for Ted’s visit to be a blessed one
  • Pray and praise for Macleod kids safety from scorpions and snakes

Prayer Update for Agum’s Citizenship

It has been hard to write this  and get it posted but we really wanted to update you and ask for prayer.

Our family spent December in Florida with Suzy’s mum and returned to California for the Calvary Chapel Missions Conference in January. We were due to get a notification regarding Agum’s immigration process in January. We did get a letter but it requested additional evidence that Agum was in our legal custody 2 years prior to her adoption being legal. All the things they are asking for we can’t produce and they have given us 87 days to respond.

After much prayer we felt it best for Sabet to return to the field to encourage our team with the start of the new year and while in South Sudan, try to get a court letter to fulfill the required evidence of custody.

Last Tuesday Sabet left for Africa and will be gone a total of 6 weeks. His main objectives for this trip are:

  • Secure a court letter stating legal custody of Agum since 2009.
  • Encourage field team and staff.
  • Share and plan IDAT boards’ vision and goals with team and staff for 2015.
  • Process clearance and receive delivery of USA container shipped in December.
  • Assess completion of construction on Kuj family residence on the compound.
  • Meet commissioner of Tonj and share 2015 ministry activity and budget.

The hardest part of this process has been our family moving around every few weeks. Once we knew Sabet had to go back to court and we could be here for several more months we decided it would be best for us to return to Florida and stay there until we go back to Africa. Suzy and the kids return to Florida on February 17th. Sabet will join them when he returns from Tonj.

Despite these challenges we feel blessed to have this unexpected extra time with Suzy’s family and our church friends at Eastgate in Florida. We believe God is sovereign and in control of the situation. We trust Him with the timing and what is best for our family.

As you think of our family and ministry would you intercede on our behalf.

May He be glorified wherever we are!

January 2015 Newsletter

Happy New Year!

January 3rd marked the one year anniversary of our family being stateside. It has been an incredible journey of walking by faith and not by sight as we continue to trust Him with the timing of Agum’s citizenship. We are doing great despite the challenges of moving around, home-schooling and supporting our ministry operations on an 11 hour time difference! We feel the presence and peace of God as we face every day not knowing what tomorrow brings. We are enjoying this unplanned adventure and every extra day we get to fellowship and be part of God’s amazing family here in USA we feel blessed. He has poured out His love through so many of you and sustained us. He has been our source of life during this season of our lives. He is El Shaddai – our God Almighty! We are so grateful for the way you have responded to the Holy Spirit leading you to care for our family. Thank you all so much, we appreciate each one of you and especially your prayers for us during this time.

Kuj Family

We had an amazing time in Florida with Suzy’s family over Christmas and New Year and returned to southern California for the annual Calvary Chapel Missions Conference. This was an incredible week of refreshing our souls, waiting on Him, seeking Him for 2015, reconnecting with fellow missionaries from around the world and overall being filled. Our cup runneth over and we are ready for whatever this year of ministry brings our family.

“One thing I have desired of the Lord, That will I seek: That I may dwell in the house of the Lord All the days of my life, To behold the beauty of the Lord, And to inquire in His temple. For in the time of trouble He shall hide me in His pavilion; In the secret place of His tabernacle He shall hide me; He shall set me high upon a rock.” – Psalm 27:4-5

God’s Plans for IDAT in 2015!

We are so grateful for His provision for In Deed and Truth Ministries in 2014. We raised over $20,000 through our prayer walk and we’re excited get back to Africa and start a new class of discipleship and a New Year of serving the Lord.

Dr. Tom returned to USA and was blessed with a wife. He is praying and seeking the Lord as he serves IDAT stateside for a season. Dr.’s Jono and Destinee return this month with their family and the remaining team, including a new clinical officer, Simon.

Here are a few prayer pointers for 2015:

  • Calvary Chapel Tonj was birthed about 5 years ago but with our absence we have not experienced the fruit and growth we would have liked to see. We have purchased land and feel this would be a good year to establish the church formally. Pray for Sabet as he works through the details of this. We need worship leaders, Sunday school teachers and anyone who feels called to church planting to contact us for either long or short term service.
  • Completion of the new medical clinic. Last year’s insecurity delayed our truck coming in for several months. We are ready to get this project completed.
  • Bible Training Center for Pastors class will begin in 2015 as soon as our family are able to return to Tonj. Pray for each student that the Lord would select them and make them known to us. Pray for teachers to assist Sabet with this 3 year commitment. If you’re interested in teaching please email us for more details.
  • Development of our Community Health Evangelism Program. We are looking to partner churches overseas with villages around Tonj. If your church is interested in a mission trip to South Sudan this would be a fantastic program to get involved in. Adopt-a-Village can transform both an entire community in South Sudan and your church body. Email us for more details.
  • Training is a big part of our ministry and we are delighted to give the opportunity for 5 South Sudanese students to attend medical school in Kenya. Pray for their spiritual walk and integrity to be intact as they are away from all things familiar. Pray for continued training and discipleship of our community health workers in Tonj.
  • Pray we could host our fifth Cataract surgery outreach in November. Over 800 people have had their sight restored and many have had their hearts restored to Him who created them. This is one of the highlights of our year and so we ask you to pray for each surgery to be provided. It costs $75 per patient and we hope to do 200 surgeries in 2015.
  • Every year we have opportunity to provide our medical team with much needed rest by bringing in volunteers to cover them during the months of June, July and August. If you have a medical skill and a few weeks or months to serve the Lord this summer, please pray about a short term trip to Tonj. Email us to get started on this life changing journey.
  • One of our greatest needs is for a logistics person to work from Kenya or South Sudan and organize our flights, food, medicine and teams coming and going every month. We are looking for a minimum one year commitment. Email us for more info.

Merry Christmas!

Christmas Postcard

Jesus Christ was our greatest gift ever and yet He was born in a humble stable with no frills or extravagance and for one purpose, to save us from our sins. We love Christmas in South Sudan because it also has no frills and is not lost in gift exchange, shopping and overindulgence. John 3:16 tells us clearly, “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” As missionaries in South Sudan we are constantly surrounded by extreme poverty and overwhelming needs. The saddest part of what we do is witnessing people’s suffering without a hope of it ever being different. Psalm 24 says, “The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.” In Deed and Truth Ministries has always valued people as individuals that Christ died for. He is our only hope and He is their only hope, today and for eternity. God is about people not about programs and He gave us all an amazing Christmas gift, His Son Jesus Christ. So we pray we would follow His example and give Him all that we are and all that we have as a family to be used as He wills in 2015.

We are so grateful to each person that has prayed for us and supported our calling to minister to one of the world’s poorest communities. Thank you for demonstrating His love and compassion to those in need. We are surely blessed in this world by having you in our life.

On behalf of the entire In Deed and Truth Ministries team we pray God’s blessing upon you this Christmas and throughout 2015.

News From The Field