We were blessed to have the children’s choir from Konywok visit our church to welcome Suzy and Hannah back to Tonj along with the return of the Macleod family. Here’s a taste!!
We then went into our time of praise and worship!
After the message we prayed for Emmanuel, who is going to school in Kenya to be a pharmacist. He has been trained and raised up within In Deed and Truth and will come back to serve in the clinic.
Timtok is one of our CHE (Community Health Evangelism) centers. It is a village about 4 miles outside of Tonj town, and the closest CHE center to our compound. Our heart this year is to re-establish the 10 CHE centers we have already begun a work in, starting with a basic assessment of each village and asking the Holy Spirit to show us three villages that we should begin to focus on. Dr Jono is keen to pour into our CHE program and will oversee the training and facilitating of TOT (Training of Trainers) workshops. Suzy will connect our 10 CHE villages with churches committed to praying for those CHE programs.
Pastor Santino brought this woman with her child to our attention after she showed up in the clinic in a very bad condition due to lack of food. Her name is Amou Gum and she walked from the village of Aliic, which is 4 hours away on foot. Her baby daughter, Kuoi Deng, is almost one year and suffering from diarrhea and malaria.
Pastor Joseph, Amou Gum, Baby Kuol, Rosa, Pastor Santino
Amou Gum asked us to pray for her as her entire family is starving in the village. Her husband’s cows were stolen in the recent cattle raids and now they have nothing to sell to buy food. Her mother and her brother both recently died so there has been no one to plant the garden for food. Her brother’s family is also suffering and starving.
Rosa and baby Kuoi
We helped her with as much food as she can carry to go back to her home and shared with her that God directed her to us so we can be praying for their situation. We plan to take her more food and to do a follow up visit to Aliic village to be a potential CHE (community health evangelism) center. Please pray for the food crisis in the surrounding villages, we are seeing a number of malnourished infants in the clinic.