Kuj Family Update!
Hannah is back from her 4 months in USA. She was able to catch up on school and complete grade 10. Suzy, Agum and Jed traveled to Kenya to meet her and take a short break. While in Kenya the kids spent a week at Camp BlueSky.

With the new ward building and more volunteers arriving, Sabet decided to stay in Tonj. During this time, Dr. Dave Pierce came for 4 weeks to help cover the busy malaria season in the clinic and to help us with the profiles for our upcoming ‘Pastor Sponsorship’ program. The launch of this program should be ready in the next few weeks, so if you’re interested we will be sending more details next month. Dave also spent countless hours working on the solar power requirements to give our clinic and new ward adequate power throughout the day and night. This upgrade will hopefully eliminate the need to use the generator which is so costly.
But He said, “The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.” — Luke 18:27
Medical Teams Worldwide!
In addition to Dr. Dave we had a small team volunteer for a week from Medical Teams Worldwide, who are now partnering with IDAT. Dr. Kelley served in the clinic, Babu taught a leadership workshop to the elders of CC Tonj and Eric began preparing a foundation for Dr. Kelley’s module home so he has a permanent place to stay when he comes.

New Ward Opening!
Our new ward is just weeks from being finished. It will have 20 beds which is more than double of the capacity we currently have. Over the past few weeks we have had to house in-patients in our devotion room, maternal waiting home and on the verandah’s! We thank God for Travis and his team that have worked tirelessly to get this project finished in just 5 months. The National Minister of Health is flying from Juba with 10 officials and a television crew to attend the opening ceremony.
Sick Babies!
This has been one of the hardest month’s in the clinic. The cerebral malaria has claimed many young lives. Despite these losses we have had many victories and hundreds of children have been rescued from the brink of death. Achol came in convulsing and
completely stopped breathing.

After sending the urgent prayer request through instagram (IDATSUDAN), she immediately started to improve and went on to make a quick and full recovery!

Upcoming Furlough!
It’s hard to believe our family is coming to the two-year mark of being back in South Sudan and making plans for our next home assignment from December through March. We are excited to see our family, friends and ministry partners. We are willing to travel and would LOVE the opportunity to share with your church, small group, bible study or fellowship. If you are interested in having us visit, please email suzy@indeedandtruth.org to make arrangements. We are in need of accommodation in San Diego in January/February and also in need of a car to use in CA and FL. Please email us if you can help with any of these needs.