Home in Tonj!
No matter where I go, it’s always so lovely to come back to Tonj. Home is where the heart is after all!

Coming back was quite emotional and yet also healing. Taking a breather and focusing on some of the field needs has brought a slice of joy and hope in the middle of a hard season for our family. Both Jed and Agum have loved being home.

Praise Jesus for His hand of favor over my main goal to purchase some land for our x-ray room and Maternal Waiting Village, which happened in the first week

Here at IDAT, we believe that scholarships are a powerful way to increase our team’s capacity and to get the right people with the right heart for the right jobs, as well as providing an opportunity to outstanding young people, who may never have been able to pursue further studies.

Monica is a maternity clinic assistant who has just been accepted to study midwifery in one of the top midwifery schools in South Sudan. She loves to share about how her life has changed since joining IDAT 18 months ago. She tells how she used to fight often, but now, since being in a Christ filled atmosphere, attending Bible study and volunteering as a youth group leader, she refuses to fight, and people are wondering what has happened to her. Monica is looking forward to serving her community as a midwife and helping to save the lives of mothers and babies.
The IDAT Ward!
Serious and extensive burns continue to be an issue for children in Tonj and surrounding villages. On any given week our ward will have at least one patient admitted for management of major burns.

These are usually the result of boiling water being spilled onto a child, or a toddler falling into a fire. Although the initial treatment can be devastating for the parents to witness, the relief and joy they experience as the child starts to recover is something quite special. Our resources and dressing techniques are basic, but effective! Thank you for financially supporting our medical work so we can be Jesus’ love to the people of South Sudan. With the large numbers of inpatients, we are seeing our need for a second ward ($60,000) is needed. Would you join us in praying for this? A second ward means more staff and bigger monthly overheads. We want to hear clearly from the Lord if this is the direction we should go.
“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” Ephesians 2:10
CHE Testimony!
Nyandit Manyuol and her family had never had anyone explain the gospel to them before. Last month three of our CHE volunteers Daniel, Aguek and Amer visited her home to share a health lesson about malaria prevention, together with the story in the bible about the good Samaritan found in Luke 10.

They were deeply touched and made a decision as a family to become followers of Christ. In the past six months over 1,200 people like Nyandit and her family have dedicated their lives to Christ through CHE. The harvest is ripe! Please pray for the Holy Spirit to continue moving as our team of over 1,000 Community Health Evangelists (CHE’s) continue moving home to home throughout Tonj promoting health and preaching the gospel.