An Amazing Year!
On behalf of In Deed and Truth Ministries’ staff, missionaries and board members, we would like to sincerely thank you for helping us serve the people of Tonj, South Sudan in 2015. We are so grateful for your prayers and financial gifts and can’t thank you enough for your ongoing support.
As we closed 2015 our team celebrated a fantastic year together with a Christmas party for the staff.
Let’s give the rightful praise to our Lord Jesus for all we accomplished in 2015, here’s a quick reminder of how the Lord used us in partnership with you: 25 remote villages watched the Jesus film, reaching thousands of people; 15 village churches trained in oral bible storying; 1 church was planted; medical and spiritual care of over 10,000 children under the age of five and their families; maternal health and spiritual care of over 5,000 pregnant women; assisting in the healthy birth of 145 babies; five students in medical school training to be Clinical Officers; 1 medical student in nursing school; amazing testimonies of God’s miraculous healing; hundreds of decisions for Christ; protection and safety of our team and staff in a country where security’s unpredictable; provision for our family and ministry needs.
A New Year!
We are so excited to get started in 2016 with all the Lord has in store for us. Our first priority is to complete the new medical clinic building which needs about $25,000 to finish the interior. We would love to get that opened and operating this year, please be praying for that.
Community Health Evangelism (CHE) has changed the way we minister in the villages. It promotes Christ-centered development by involving and training the people to identify assets, choose wisely, implement plans and use their local resources, which in turn avoids unhealthy dependency. In 2016 we are praying about implementing CHE in 2 new villages and strengthening and renewing training in the existing villages. Pray for us to have wisdom as we put together a plan that involves our missionaries, pastors, CHE’s and partnering churches/visitors.
Jono and Destinee have used the past 18 months to medically train our Community Health Workers (CHW’s) in preparation for further study. In 2016 we will continue to support the 5 medical students in Kenya and add two more students to training. Pictured are Akol, who will be sent to nursing school for further training and Emmanuel, who is starting a 3 year pharmacy course.
A New Hope!
It is always good to reflect on what the Lord has accomplished, where He is leading us and who we are in light of who HE is!
“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the LORD and not for men, knowing that from the LORD you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the LORD Jesus Christ.” – Colossians 3:23-24
We continue to be humbled and amazed by what the LORD can do through the obedient hearts of HIS children. As we partner together in 2016 we ask for continued prayers for our family, our team, our staff, our pastors, pray for protection in the field, unity, Agum’s immigration process. Pray for God to go before us every day and that He would give us opportunities to share His love with those we encounter and give us His heart for the people we serve. May He strengthen and use us for His honor and glory. May He provide for our needs above and beyond what we have asked Him for and may we be faithful stewards of all He entrusts to us.