All posts by Tyler Paulson

July 2013 Newsletter

A Servant Heart!

Jeamette LockJeamette Lock is moving on as stateside coordinator for In Deed and Truth Ministries. She will continue to be a vital part of our team of prayer warriors and of course a dear friend to our family. No one knows the ministry and how best to pray for us all better than Jeamette. She began her ministry to our family in 2000, before we were even married. Since then we have grown into a family of five and a ministry that employs over 40 national staff. In addition to these wonderful staff we have Dr. Tom, our missionary doctor from Florida and Whitney Smith, a missionary under World Gospel Mission, overseeing the Community Health Evangelism program and numerous volunteers that visit and help out throughout the year.

Jeamette has grown alongside our ministry growth, organizing teams to support us, planning and overseeing our annual fundraiser as well as working closely with our board to ensure our ministry Glorifies the Father in America, from good stewardship to reporting to our donors. She has valuable field experience as she has traveled to Tonj three times on short term trips. She has been the glue that has held all these vital parts together and we could not do what we are called to do without her on the team. I know she has been stretched at times but she has faithfully and fantastically served us as our stateside coordinator and support for the past 13 years.

It is with both sadness and joy we bless Jeamette and her family as we say goodbye to her but pray all her heart desires would be met in and by Him, who is able to do above and beyond what we ask or think possible. She will be greatly missed by us and many of you as well as the people of South Sudan. Here is Jeamette’s parting words, “I have been blessed to know Sabet and Suzy for over 13 years now and to be a part of such a wonderful ministry. From its very beginning I have witnessed firsthand what God is doing in Tonj, Southern Sudan through these missionaries and it is nothing short of amazing. To be able to be a part of those on the front lines has been a great blessing. To see the lives that are being changed through the pastors training and medical clinic is beyond words. To share the ministry with so many and to have the opportunity to send so many over to Tonj to bless the people has brought so much joy to my heart. Thank you for your prayers for me and my family. Please continue to support this work of God and get involved in some way.”

A scripture that has ministered to Jeamette and really sums up her servant heart is:

“And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry; Who was before a blasphemer, and a persecutor, and injurious: but I obtained mercy, because I did [it] ignorantly in unbelief. And the grace of our Lord was exceeding abundant with faith and love which is in Christ Jesus.'” – 1 Timothy 1:12-14

So what does this mean for In Deed and Truth Ministries?

Jim & Dena Ennis

God’s timing is always perfect and when you have served in a war zone you really learn how to trust HIM with EVERYTHING!. He always knows what’s coming next and works all things together for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purposes.

Jim and Dena Ennis have served our ministry as volunteers for the last 6 years. They have spiritually mentored our family and been to South Sudan many times. Jim had shared with Sabet his desire to be more involved and they immediately stepped up when they heard about the need. For us, this was confirmation as they were our first choice. We are so thankful and excited to have them take on this new role.

We appreciate your prayers for Jeamette and her family, the transition for the ministry and for Jim and Dena as they take on this responsibility.

June 2013 Newsletter

Sabet’s USA Visit!

Sabet at Eastgate

We are praising God and rejoicing in the Lord for Sabet’s safe travel to and from America in May. He successfully was able to reconnect with ministry partners, visit family and friends and update many on our progress in Tonj. This is a calling to bring Jesus to the Southern Sudanese people and something you all have been part-takers in. Sabet was so encouraged and blessed by the outpouring of love many of you showed him during his visit. Thank you for sharing your time and resources with us so we can continue in this amazing ministry for another 14 years and beyond! He was humbled by the kindest and provision for all his needs while he was stateside. Thank you for being such awesome partners to us as we serve our Lord Jesus in South Sudan.

Medical Outreach!

Students Watching the Jesus Film

As co-workers together in the Great Commission we feel it is important to bring Glory to God and rejoice in the achievements and impact our ministry is having. As we share some numbers with you, hopefully this will put into perspective the scale of the work we do and the difference each one of you is making in South Sudan and how important your support to us is:

  • 1,000 out-patients are seen every month in our Tonj clinic.
  • Over 100 patients are seen each week at our Maloney village outreach.
  • The Antenatal clinic is seeing over 100 pregnant mothers every week, with an average of one birth every day in the clinic.
  • The clinic gives immunization to over 130 children under the age of five per month.
  • We only experienced 5 deaths in four months, this is truly a miracle for South Sudan.
  • We only had to refer nine cases for further treatment in four months, our lowest to date.
  • We admitted over 40 patients a week, even though we are not a hospital we often offer these services knowing the patient would die if we didn’t.
  • In four months over 4,000 heard the gospel message as they waited to see the doctor or nurses.
  • Over 800 patients got to pray with our pastors one on one; accepting the Lord Jesus as Savior and each one received spiritual counsel. This need has resulted in 7 church plants.
  • The Jesus film has been shown to over 400 students in 2 months resulting in a Youth bible study with IDAT pastors.

As you can see we have a lot to be praising God for and much to be praying about as the ministry and the needs continue to grow and more people are reached with the Gospel.

Lab Testing Saves Lives!

Lab Tech Maureen Serving in Tonj

The doctor’s at the Center for Tropical and Travel Medicine in Nairobi have given us one of their trained Lab Techs to work in the clinic. Dr. Ruth explained that if the lab tech gets it wrong then all the work of the doctors and pharmacists is also a waste of time. That is why she retrains every lab tech that comes to her whether experienced or straight out of school as nearly all of them need it. Getting the right lab tech is critical to the clinic running efficiently and so we are so blessed to have Maureen join our team and share her skills with the community of Tonj.

Please pray for her as she settles and experiences South Sudan for the first time.

Prayer Requests!

  • For the multitude of patients seen by the clinic every month – that they would each feel and know the love of their Savior as they are treated by our staff
  • For the processing of Agum’s visa

April 2013 Newsletter

CHE and STS!

This month was incredibly busy and blessed with back to back teams and workshops working together with us to build God’s kingdom here in Tonj. Mango Ministries facilitated the training to more than 30 pastors and leaders on how to use Bible storytelling to bring the gospel to churches and communities. This included the five churches we planted and the two new churches planted in the last 2 months. Each participant was sent home with 12 stories to learn and share. It is so awesome to see the fruit from the three years of Bible training our pastors received and to see them pouring out their lives to serve the Lord through church planting and preaching.

Pastor Billy and Pastor Daniel

Mary, an STS participant, has been using the story of Mary and Martha to encourage the local women of her village. Many women are too busy working, getting water etc. to attend church. After hearing Mary share the Bible story, Mary said “many were awoken spiritually and began coming to church and they are asking me for more stories”. Mary has a vision to share the Bible through storying with any woman she meets, whether they are gathering firewood or collecting water from the well near her house. It is our joy to see the church of South Sudan healthier spiritually than we have ever experienced it, maturing in faith and seeing these healthy churches teaching the truth of God’s Word and the saints growing and walking in that truth.

This month we also graduated the first class for our Training of Trainers for the Community Health Evangelism (CHE) program. This program is having a huge impact on the communities represented by the trainers. The leaders are being transformed before our eyes through the truth of God’s Word.

Graduated Trainers for CHE

Topics of discussion have been about sin issues, trusting the work of the Lord Jesus on the cross and depending on the Holy Spirit for true conviction, repentance and change. The last workshop implemented the teaching of Farming God’s Way as a tool to help communities maximize their harvest. Families live and depend on the land for all their food needs for an entire year, so this teaching was valuable and possibly life-saving to them as we still experience a one month food gap every year following the devastating famine of 1998. Our hope is knowing the Lord Jesus came to give life abundant.

Church Plants!

Two new churches have recently been planted in another area of Warrap state by one of our graduated pastors called Pasquale. One of those churches was planted in the village of Rebobi. Our partner, Every Village, has been drilling bore holes in the Tonj area based on our recommendations. Rebobi village had a three hour walk to the nearest water source and was a perfect candidate for an Every Village water pump. Pastor Pasquale met with the community and shared the Lord’s provision for water with them. After the borehole was drilled Pastor Pasquale called the villagers together for a time of thanksgiving and praise and gave all thanks and glory to God for His answer to prayer and provision for Rebobi. The villagers enjoyed the time of praise and prayer and Pasquale noted they did not have a place to worship the Lord. So he announced that a church would meet every Sunday for those interested in worshipping the Lord together and that’s how the church was planted.

Church plant in Rebobi

These churches really need your prayers. Pastor Pasquale already pastors a church of 100 + people so he appointed an elder from his church to lead one of the church plants. The other church is still in need of a leader.

“Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the LORD, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever they do prospers.” — Psalm 1:1-3

Prayer Requests!

  • For spiritually strong leaders for the seven churches planted in the last year.
  • For the completion of Agum’s adoption and a visa.
  • For Sabet as he travels and for Suzy as she remains in Africa.

March 2013 Newsletter

Church in the Bush

Pastor Santino’s Church in Maloney

We always feel close to the Lord when we are outdoors enjoying his amazing creation and worshipping Him. In South Sudan, it is very easy to be worshipping the Lord ‘in church’ but actually be outside! Many churches are a group of people in a village gathering and praying under a tree. Four of our five church plants are in small villages with just humble clearings and the shade of a tree to give relief from the relentless heat and protection from the scorching sun.

It started with a burden for ‘Maloney’ where we have been conducting medical outreaches for the past three years. He recently moved to Maloney, which is not his home, and began sharing the gospel with the local community. As there was no church, he picked a tree and started praying and preaching on Sunday. Soon people started to gather to hear what he was saying and they stayed! As Santino taught the Word of God people listened and came back for more, week after week, totaling now over 70 people. What is so awesome is he used what he learned through our Community Health Evangelism to mobilize the church community to take ownership of their place of worship. Together they gathered sticks and made a fence around the tree and also benches to sit. Without the motivation of money or goods, this is not easy to accomplish.

Santino prayed and used what he learned and today he is so proud of his church in Maloney. And we are so proud of him, his trust in Jesus as Savior and the Holy Spirit to be his guide.

Pastor Santino’s Church in Maloney

Once a week our medical team goes to Maloney to serve the community. Kingdom Assignment Sudan (KAS), a ministry from Australia partnered with us and funded the building of a small medical clinic. Until recently we always held our medical outreaches under a tree but this year we have been able to start seeing patients in the new clinic. Despite the heat of the midday sun, over one hundred people still come out to see Dr. Tom and receive healing. Peter, our community health worker in Maloney and Pastor Santino, keep the community informed of the medical outreaches and notify us if there are any serious cases needing immediate attention. Santino always shares a gospel message with waiting patients and invites them to his church. He has shown the Jesus film three times in the cattle camps and
local school.

This month we are hosting a team of missionaries from Uganda to lead us in Simply the Story (STS) training. This is a wonderful method to use here in Africa, where story-telling is a part of everyday life. Our pastors are trained in using this method and Santino has three elders in his church that are going to be trained. The other church plants also have raised up people to be trained and our
graduated pastors are all sending people from their villages. We are excited to host 30-40 people for this event.

We also are hosting the fourth and final Training of Trainers (TOT) for Community Health Evangelism (CHE). Each trainer has a committee in their village that selects Community Health Evangelists and then oversees their service to the community. We are excited to see this program get into full swing in the villages. Pastor Santino and Peter Malok are TOT’s serving the community of Maloney.
As CHE expands, we are looking for one year interns to help with the follow-up of the CHE’s and TOT’s in the villages and assist Pastor Kibe with the church plants.

“Oh, that you would bless me and expand my territory! Please be with me in all that I do, and keep me from all trouble and pain!”
– 1 Chronicles 4:10

Prayer Requests!

  • Pray for Agums’ visa, we still have no news from the embassy.
  • Pray for the STS and CHE teams to be effective in communicating and teaching.
  • Pray for Pastor Santino and his church to grow in knowledge and be a light in the community.
  • Pray for Peter Malok (est. age 26) as he begins his final exams to complete high school.
  • Pray for our team as we juggle the needs of our medical clinic with the medical needs in Maloney.
  • Pray for medical cover for Dr. Tom for 2 months in the summer, so he can take his annual leave.

We are blessed to be part of the Kingdom Work. Please prayerfully consider partnering with us financially to further the territory for Jesus Christ.

CHE Community Visits

Written by Whitney Smith

Lurchuk Team with Whitney

The last two weeks have been very busy but very exciting. I was able to visit all of our CHE trainers in their communities, and I can’t tell you how encouraged I was to see their progress in their communities and in their homes. Now, the basic structure of a CHE program is this:

Facilitators will lead a series of Training of Trainers (TOTs). There are 4 of these TOTs, each a week long, and spaced out every few months, with specific homework assignments for the trainers after each TOT. These trainers help to create awareness in their communities about CHE and how it can be used to bring about wholistic transformation. They do small-scale projects to encourage the community, and help them realize what they can achieve when they work together, even without any outside help. After the 3rd TOT, the trainers help the community to select a committee. The trainers will train this committee in how to run a CHE program. The committee will select what topics to teach to the community, and also decide what community-wide projects should be done to bring change and transformation. Then, the committee will select CHEs (Community Health Evangelists), who will lead home groups, where they teach physical and spiritual lessons that can be easily implemented and shared, thus multiplying the impact throughout the community. The Trainers are also the ones to train the CHEs. One of the greatest benefits of this structure is that a community really feels ownership of this program, thus, they are empowered knowing their development lies in their own hands with God’s help. They feel confident that they do in fact have the resources, both in materials and people, to see their communities grow and become healthy in every way – physically, spiritually, emotionally, mentally, socially.

Our current trainers, who are eleven in number and span 5 different communities, have now completed 3 TOTs, and are gearing up for the fourth March 11-15. In one community, Lurchuk, we visited the home of trainer Athunta, where she lives with her 4 boys. She was keeping her home very clean and even using a tippy-tap! She and fellow trainer David have started training their committee and have already covered 14 lessons since January 7th! The committee is really motivated it seems. This community is about 3 hours from Tonj by car, and there is no phone network there. Despite the fact that these two trainers have been so disconnected from the rest of us, they have still maintained so much momentum for seeking God’s change in their community and helped to spur on others as well! I’m so proud of them!

Would you pray for our trainers and our team of facilitators as we prepare for the last TOT? We know that the real power to transform comes only from God. Join us in seeking his transformative power in the lives of our CHE trainers and their communities!

Athuntas Tippy Tap